Common Core Executives are getting the Planned Parenthood-style undercover video treatment, and the resulting footage doesn’t look good for Common Core supporters.
Parents and educators alike have long bemoaned the obtuse methods used by Common Core. Simple math problems have become arduous tasks that net the same results, and yet Common Core advocates proclaim the methods are better for the kids, and that adults just aren’t used to it.
Behind closed doors, however, one exec was caught saying “I hate the kids. It’s all about the money.”
By changing the methods by which students accomplish tasks, the publishing houses that make and sell textbooks can force schools to replace their old textbooks that they otherwise might have kept for several years.
The change wasn’t made to better educate, the change was made for the sake of change, and for the sake of renewed textbook sales.
See the video, which includes footage of teachers themselves criticizing Common Core, on the next page:
#$%^&* #$%^&to hell with the confusion you all have created and at the same time destroying our education system and putting us 21st in the world, sinking down form where we once stoop 2nd in the world.
Thank you for clearing this up. Hey, isn’t that the same lady on the Planned Parenthood Abortion video? Wow she gets to kids coming and going. Her parents must be proud of her?
I love how she tries talking down about homeschoolers. My mom home schooled me and my four siblings for a long time, with no degree or “proper criteria”. All my siblings and I are intelligent and successful. We are all functioning members of society and have always been socially advanced. I wish more people would homeschool their children instead of letting the state do it.
common core is the stupidest thing i have seen
How about enacting the standards that other countries are using to beat our scores instead of this BS.
Common core is trying to make idiots out of our kids.If she hates kids why does she leave them alone or she just in it to make money.It boils down to getting revenge on kids. How sorry can you get.
I love kids
Maybe kids hate you to, freak
You lousy greedy$#%&!@* Someone needs to fire your$#%&!@*!