Common Core Executives are getting the Planned Parenthood-style undercover video treatment, and the resulting footage doesn’t look good for Common Core supporters.
Parents and educators alike have long bemoaned the obtuse methods used by Common Core. Simple math problems have become arduous tasks that net the same results, and yet Common Core advocates proclaim the methods are better for the kids, and that adults just aren’t used to it.
Behind closed doors, however, one exec was caught saying “I hate the kids. It’s all about the money.”
By changing the methods by which students accomplish tasks, the publishing houses that make and sell textbooks can force schools to replace their old textbooks that they otherwise might have kept for several years.
The change wasn’t made to better educate, the change was made for the sake of change, and for the sake of renewed textbook sales.
See the video, which includes footage of teachers themselves criticizing Common Core, on the next page:
When book companies start deciding what books schools will buy – this is the result. Dumb kids and wealthy companies.
I hate the$#%&!@* Me and my sons teacher’s are hashing it out as this post just appeared. And she hates kids. Fck. Off$#%&!@* We hate common bull$#%&!@*
Me too. Im irritated. Lol. I told my son. This c**p makes no since. And i don’t expect him to learn it.
SMH..To bad her parents didn’t hate kids.
Get rid of the federal Department of Education just a waste of money
Keep this going!!
So, she was a teacher, says homeschoolers shouldn’t educate their own kids because they aren’t teachers, and then proudly proclaims that she hates kids. Okaaaaaaay…?
Emblematic of all our leaders
The co writer of common core said it was designed to dumb down Americans and brainwash kids into believing the government is always right. His speech was on line but they keep taking it down. Everyone knows what is going on in the schools is not education. I have to blame the parents. All you have to do is UNITE and pull your kids out of school and home school. Everyday they are not there, the schools lose money. Interfere with their money, you will heard. So called change and “progress” is not always good. We need to go back to actually educating our children with life skills.