Common Core Executives are getting the Planned Parenthood-style undercover video treatment, and the resulting footage doesn’t look good for Common Core supporters.
Parents and educators alike have long bemoaned the obtuse methods used by Common Core. Simple math problems have become arduous tasks that net the same results, and yet Common Core advocates proclaim the methods are better for the kids, and that adults just aren’t used to it.
Behind closed doors, however, one exec was caught saying “I hate the kids. It’s all about the money.”
By changing the methods by which students accomplish tasks, the publishing houses that make and sell textbooks can force schools to replace their old textbooks that they otherwise might have kept for several years.
The change wasn’t made to better educate, the change was made for the sake of change, and for the sake of renewed textbook sales.
See the video, which includes footage of teachers themselves criticizing Common Core, on the next page:
True liberal
I know one thing…. common core has done nothing just like head start waste of time and money…..WE NEED TO STOP PURCHASING TEXT BOOKS FOR AMERICAN STUDENTS FROM FOREIGN PUBLISHERS. ..LIKE THE MUSLIM OWNED ONE IN UK…..THAT IS WHY ELEMENTARY STUDENTS IN SOME SCHOOL DISTRICTS WERE LEARNING IN DEPTH ABOUT ISLAM SYRAIGHT FROM THE KORAN. …WAS SUPPOSED TO BE CLASS IN SOCIAL STUDIES….NOT LIKE CLASS I TOOK….WE WEREN’T INSTRUCTED ABOUT ANY RELIGION. ..WE LEARNED ABOUT BASIC THINGS LIKE WHAT PEOPLE DRESSED, CLIMATE, LAUAGES SPOKEN ,THERE (didn’t learn anything in native tongue) what kind of crops grown , famous landmarks, etc. ) I saw my daughter history book in seventh grade….back in late seventies when the political correctness started after affirmative action started changing textbooks…….Did you know that the Chinese men who worked on transcontinental railroads and the immigrate Irish labors had very little to do with the construction ????? I I was just amazed……..and I guess the Chinese and Irish families of today were to….these books were so slanted it’s no wonder many in eighties ,nineties to this day DON’T have a clue about this country.
What the hell? Smh
Very true, all you need to do is follow the money, then you will find the truth behind the change.
It’s just a way to be politically correct. Make the smart kids look dumb so the not so smart kids feel smarter
Figured that out after I helped my kids with there home work
She probably sells baby parts on the side
TRUMP for President =VOTE every VOTE counts and mskes a difference
Ineke Sousa