A new study warns that the Earth is heading into a ‘mini ice age’. Researchers claim to have cracked the code on predicting solar cycles and state that between the years 2020 and 2030 solar cycles will cancel each other out, bringing about a period of intense cold.
The last time this happened was during a period known as Maunder Minimum, which lasted from 1645 and about 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare. During this event the London’s River Thames froze over.
Let’s pollute more so we could bring back the global warming.
It always dose any where from Oct. Thru March . And I an not a college graduate.
Now that was funny!
In other words he’ll is freezing over!!!
When I was in school that’s all they talked about
But, what about global warming?
For the sake of the elect the days will be shortened…. a 3 year winter would do that…
It’s getting hotter! No its getting colder! *head splodes*
Not according to Obama and Gore
I think that would be ‘GLOBAL COOLING’……