A new study warns that the Earth is heading into a ‘mini ice age’. Researchers claim to have cracked the code on predicting solar cycles and state that between the years 2020 and 2030 solar cycles will cancel each other out, bringing about a period of intense cold.
The last time this happened was during a period known as Maunder Minimum, which lasted from 1645 and about 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare. During this event the London’s River Thames froze over.
I love the Partisan Dichotomy here; tell conservatives the earth is getting warmer and the call it madness, them them it’s going to get colder and they accept it as scripture, lol. I can’t wait to see the Liberal reaction to this!
Except in Texas
nothing seems to remain the same in the new world order.
Nope bushes fault…another global warming or climate change
Can’t be an ice age we are having global warming duh just ask al gore.
Make up your mind already is it global warming
or is it a ice age ? You can’t have it both ways
Liberals can – the trick is to support fascism; it eliminates cognitive dissonance. The .01% of the population invested in carbon credits say global cooling is evidence of global warming, and they own the media and run the UN and have all the ammo – how can they be wrong?
Climate warming . We’re going to melt away
Global warming???
Great, it will finally match the temperature of my heart.
Maybe if we could get a little more of that “Man-Made” Warming action we could offset the mini ice age!! LOL!