A new study warns that the Earth is heading into a ‘mini ice age’. Researchers claim to have cracked the code on predicting solar cycles and state that between the years 2020 and 2030 solar cycles will cancel each other out, bringing about a period of intense cold.
The last time this happened was during a period known as Maunder Minimum, which lasted from 1645 and about 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare. During this event the London’s River Thames froze over.
but….but….global warming…..
It’s a mini ice age every winter in buffalo ny
You can if your suddenly and miraculously start calling it climate “change”. They are going to push us for all we are worth to kill American industry before the Ice age hits.
Will it hit only Babylon or the whole world??Till now it was Global warming now an ice age……
What happened to all of that “global warming” talk blaming gasoline powered cars and coal fired electricity generator plants? I guess we had better build more coal fired plants and buy more gas powered vehicle to stave off this ice age threat.
This is real, global warming is false.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
You do understand that thanks to “Citizens United” elections cost billions of tax-deductible dollars now.
YOU will never see a billion dollars…you will be lucky if you ever see 10 million dollars.
This means people like you and I… AMERICANS… Are never going to have a chance to “get elected and change things,.
We don’t have enough money.
You guys ever heard of the Arctic?
Did you know we raised the planet’s temperature to melt enough ice to reach 15% of the planet’s oil and 30% of natural gas?
Would corporations DELIBERATELY warm the planet to make TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS?