A new study warns that the Earth is heading into a ‘mini ice age’. Researchers claim to have cracked the code on predicting solar cycles and state that between the years 2020 and 2030 solar cycles will cancel each other out, bringing about a period of intense cold.
The last time this happened was during a period known as Maunder Minimum, which lasted from 1645 and about 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare. During this event the London’s River Thames froze over.
So now it’s reversed!!! That was quick!!!!!
Infomercial our leaders.
the global warming freaks will explain this by saying it has to get colder before it gets warmer
There has been a lot of lies…too many. Its robbed our nation of billions…global warming lie….this is the days of prophecy…sun spots are one determine ing factor…
So much for global warming!!! lol
Get AlGore to warm it up with his hot air speech..
Let’s all forget about global warming and think about global cooling! Actually, I read this and it has happened before, and sounds more possible than algores ideas.
Even Gore can’t change this.
I call it the WEather.
Darn, so we cleaned up our carbon footprints just a little too much, eh?