A new study warns that the Earth is heading into a ‘mini ice age’. Researchers claim to have cracked the code on predicting solar cycles and state that between the years 2020 and 2030 solar cycles will cancel each other out, bringing about a period of intense cold.
The last time this happened was during a period known as Maunder Minimum, which lasted from 1645 and about 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare. During this event the London’s River Thames froze over.
What happened to Al Gore’s global warming, I’m confused?
I wish they would make up their minds is going to be real Hot or Real Cold. ?
Known as winter!
by 2030 but they will say they saved the world with the green carbon trading.
They’ll blame it on global warming. Do any of you remember the first earth day. It was because we were going to freeze to death. When are they going to realize that the earth goes through cycles
Is that just the opposite of the doom of global warming we have been hearing about for the past 30 years?
Well he’s faintly thinking of the ocean conveyor and if it stops Europe will go into an Ice Age for about 1000 years but if the ocean conveyor stops an Ice Age will be the least of of our problems.
Really? You can’t prove it by the intense heat that we are having this summer