Town Hall Meeting
Obama addressed the issue of gun confiscation on the news, and mocked those who suggested that is his real agenda. That is the strategy of the Left in many cases, usually when they have no response to actual issues. It misdirects and confuses the issues. The best comparison is the horrendous Obamacare scam where Obama insisted that opponents were being ridiculous, and that his plan would actually save families money, and that they could keep their preferred medical plan and doctor if they were satisfied with them.
It turned out that he was lying, and that the administration knew that was untrue when he made those statements. So assurances aside, gun owners know that Obama is a liar and that he will use incremental means, with false objectives, in order in implement his scheme to disarm America.
And that leads to the Town Hall meeting on Thursday night. Obama realizes that his proposal is unpopular, perhaps even unconstitutional. He is aware that the public is very suspicious of his motives and of the plan. So he arranged to have a CNN “Town Hall” meeting on Thursday night at George Mason University. It was not a real Town Hall, in that it was not open to the public. It was a pep rally for the president, not a real public feedback process, because true public response counters the support that Obama pretends is there.
The gun control/confiscation debacle is representative of the Obama presidency in general. It is decreed from the executive while ignoring public opinion and legislative input, it is executive overreach, and it is targeted to increase federal power. Obama has one more year to impose his will on the American people, and he will do his best to implement policies that align with his destructive will. Let’s hope that the nation can survive and overcome his misguided efforts.
How Gun Control Advocates Will Advance Their Cause
The American people and Congress have generally shown a distaste for taking guns away from citizens and from violating the 2nd Amendment. Obama will now seek to circumvent the law and Congress by presidential fiat, formally known as executive order. He will suggest that large classes of people, such as those on the “no-fly” list, be prevented from buying guns.
The list is a bureaucratic nightmare, with no one clearly in charge of who gets on the list or why, and a byzantine tangle in getting removed from the list. This will lead to a kangaroo jury of invisible accusers deciding who can buy a gun and who cannot. Obama will ask to “strengthen” background checks, which will easily be abused and made so difficult or expensive as to make it impossible to pass the check. And he will insist that only federally licensed gun dealers can sell guns, which will eliminate the inheritance or transfer of guns among family members, and will make the tracking of guns much easier for the Federal government.
However, the gun grabbers are finding other creative ways to confiscate and limit guns, usually at the state level where it is much more expensive and difficult to fight. Some of the tricks now being used by anti-gun zealots include the following:
In the state of Virginia, reciprocity programs with other states that recognize one another’s gun permits were just cancelled, making felons of those who have a gun permit from another state and visit Virginia with their weapon in their possession.
In California, family members of gun owners will be able to ask a judge to suspend a family member’s right to own or possess a weapon if they feel he or she might be a danger to others due to mental issues or concerns. The potential for abuse on this one is astounding.
Out in Washington state there’s a completely different approach being taken in Seattle, and it has thus far survived one round of court challenges. There is a major new tax going into effect on the purchase of all guns and ammunition which is ostensibly being levied to fund gun-violence research and prevention. (Yahoo News)
On Tuesday, King County Superior Court Judge Palmer Robinson ruled that a new tax on guns and ammo would go into effect on Jan. 1, in a case gun rights activists brought against the city. Robinson’s decision aligned with City Council’s unanimous vote in August, approving a tariff of $25 per gun and 2 or 5 cents per round of ammunition for sellers.
In the eyes of NRA members — the plaintiffs, alongside the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Shooting Sports Foundation — Robinson’s ruling flouted the law. But during the case’s hearing, a lawyer defending the city testified that the levy is perfectly kosher. The key is the difference between taxation and regulation, the Seattle Times reported.
Attorney William Abrams stated, “Taxation is to raise revenue, and cities have broad powers to raise revenue through a variety of taxes.”
The tax is also being described as a path to make gun dealers pay for the damage they have caused. That’ a chilling argument to see being successfully made in a court of law, but we can expect a lot more of it this year.
If this one survives a challenge all the way to the Supreme Court it’s going to spell trouble for Second Amendment supporters around the nation. Rather than trying to restrict the purchase and ownership of firearms, Seattle is looking to just make it harder for anyone to be able to afford to do so. To accomplish their goal, they’re jacking up the price on all firearms and ammunition in the form of a tax. Can they do it? Well, the states have been able to tax whatever they like for a long time and do so at rates which vary wildly. Look no further than tobacco and alcohol taxes for examples, along with other “sin taxes.” Of course, you don’t have a constitutional right to smoke or drink beer, so there may be an argument to be made here, but gun sales are already taxed the same as virtually any other product. This might be a tough battle to fight.
Combine the desire of anti-gun zealots to confiscate guns or make them so expensive they are not affordable for most people with the potential to raise taxes and fees to support any number of liberal causes and you can see how anxious Liberals will be to implement this plan in as many states as possible.
And finally, we come to New York, which has introduced a bill to limit the amount of ammunition a person can buy to twice the capacity of their firearm every three months. For those of you who are counting, that means that someone with a pistol that holds seven bullets would be able to buy fourteen bullets every three months, or four and a half bullets each month.
I wish I were making this up, but I am not. It is up to citizens in every state to throw the rascals out or get them to start listening to the people. And by the way, if you think the politicians such as Obama and Michael Bloomberg will have their security forces turning in their guns and going weapon free, don’t hold your breath. This legislation only applies to the little people, not to the elites who are much more important and must retain their 2nd amendment rights even as they take them away from Joe citizen.
You assault us we shoot back
Fortunately Paul Ryan realizes we must fight Obama on this now.
Rag headed pig.
There are 21 million ret solders who stand by the 2ed amendment
Yes, it is; dear Barack Obama President still
If so , 2016 will go down in History as the beginning of WW3,, the first time the UN actually attacked a nation that was not already in a war and the first time the ordinary citizens of a country overwhelmingly destroyed a standing army !
Scott Legg wake up