In dramatic testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, former FBI Director James Comey couldn’t produce any evidence that President Donald Trump tried to interfere with investigations or that the President himself was under any investigation.
But he did take the opportunity to whine about his dismissal as FBI Director, saying the president left him “confused” and “concerned.”
With Washington all abuzz prior to the hearing, no doubt Democrats are shaking their heads now, realizing their hopes of tearing down the president are going up in smoke. Those hopes now rest on how far the media will go to distort Comey’s testimony to smear the president.
Learn more about what Comey had to say on the next page.
I do not believe this man is in awe of any President. Typical lawyer!
You Are The Crime lie But hole.
Allen. That’s not proof of intent. Question. What do you mean by bought and paid for? If you think Comey was in league with Clinton, why sabotage her by announcing the reopening of the investigation right before the election? It makes no sense.
Nn Bee Cee news is totally put a spin on this.
And we are supposed to believe THIS MAN BECAUSE …….
…a tale told by a coward, full of sound bites and butthurt but signifies nothing…
You know better Comey. Personal FEELINGS are not evidence. Just wanted to play into the left agenda
You can tell by the look on his face he knows he is in deep$#%&!@*
I’m taking my ball and I’m going home
Or he’s telling the truth, he was fired for pursuing an investigation alleging the sitting President collided with a foreign power to rig his election, he’s mad about that and about being lied about, but even more, he’s concerned that unless the truth comes out, the President might grant favors to that foreign power to the detriment of the USA. That’s also a possibility.