In dramatic testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, former FBI Director James Comey couldn’t produce any evidence that President Donald Trump tried to interfere with investigations or that the President himself was under any investigation.
But he did take the opportunity to whine about his dismissal as FBI Director, saying the president left him “confused” and “concerned.”
With Washington all abuzz prior to the hearing, no doubt Democrats are shaking their heads now, realizing their hopes of tearing down the president are going up in smoke. Those hopes now rest on how far the media will go to distort Comey’s testimony to smear the president.
Learn more about what Comey had to say on the next page.
What horse s**t
Michael Clingan, I’m not arguing that the Dems were lied or didn’t lied. I’m saying it looks like Trump is lying because his story keeps changing. Its as simple as that.
McCain was a little slow!! I did like that he brought up the part about letting Hilliary off the hook. It’s true and she did commit treason.
So in other words Comey was upset about being fired and didn’t like things said about him.
Totally agree but calling the idiot President Comey was over the top for me!
I agree!!!
Frank, the FBI and law enforcement as a whole frequently lies to subjects and potential subjects of investigations in order to protect the integrity of those investigations. It’s necessary and appropriate in those instances.
Incorrect. FBI doesn’t get to decide who is prosecuted. The US Attorneys office does that. Comey said there wasn’t enough proof available for the USA Office to Prosecute and that opinion was later agreed with by the Attorney General.
They make the recommendation, he also said she DID have information that should not have been on an unclassified server= proof. Bought and paid for!
you were fired because you were in cahoots with killary and her f**e play scheme and you were lousy at your job!