Fast approaching is a moment of truth: when the intelligence community will begin to split and take sides. With the heavy influence of the Establishmentariat and the Progressive rank and file closing around them, it becomes imperative for the few who “don’t belong” to separate themselves from the coming battle. What is this battle? It is the brewing skirmishes that have been occurring over the past few weeks that will culminate in one all-out war between the old-guard, career, embedded parasites in the intelligence community and the forces of the outsiders who are attempting to assuage the loss of the government’s life’s blood through leaks and endless innuendo.
As we speak, the lines are being drawn and the sides are parting like the Red Sea. On the one side stand the career people (those in the same ilk as the Lois Lerners, the Sally Yateses, the James Comeys, and the James Clappers of the political world), the career politicians (name 99% of the elected officials in the Senate or House), and the lower echelon staffers who do the bidding of the career people). On the other side is the Trump transition team, his handful of appointees, and his Cabinet. The odds don’t look good…except when you factor in the situation of an attorney general who is dedicated to routing out the weasels. There is also the added feature of having people like Newt Gingrich advising you, a person who is intimately familiar with the treachery of Leftists and their Deep State operatives.
Rest assured, the time is approaching quickly where the necessity to choose sides will come. And as the evidence begins to pile up that this was all an Obama-led Department of Shadowy Endeavors (DSE) attempt at sabotaging the Trump presidency and his policy initiatives, and it becomes clear that someone will be held up as the scapegoat, you can be guaranteed that all those in the know will suddenly back away from that scapegoat or scapegoats, leaving them utterly alone to answer the subpoenas all by themselves, knowing all along that their handlers will disavow any and all knowledge of their activities since the beginning.
Word is beginning to seep out and the proof of no collusion and no intimidation is starting to surface.
Susan Rice lied about Benghazi by saying it was a spontaneous attack caused by an anti-Muslim video, she lied about Srgt. Bowe Bergdahl being a hero when he really deserted our troops and she lied in a PBS interview when she claimed she knew nothing about spying on the Trump campaign.
Now, America has just discovered another one of her lies, and it’s HUGE!
Just 3 months ago, Susan Rice stated that Obama had successfully removed all of the chemical weapons from Syria. In an interview she gave to National Public Radio, Rice can be heard bragging over the Obama administration’s ‘success’ in the removal of Syrian weapons of mass destruction.
“We were able to find a solution that didn’t necessitate the use of force that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from Syria, in a way that the use of force would never have accomplished. Our aim in contemplating the use of force following the use of chemical weapons in August of 2013 was not to intervene in the civil war, not to become involved in the combat between Assad and the opposition, but to deal with the threat of chemical weapons by virtue of the diplomacy that we did with Russia and with the Security Council. We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile.”
Susan Rice knew her statements were false and innocent people died as a result! To put it another way…RICE LIED, PEOPLE DIED!
This woman must be held accountable for her actions. She abused her power and betrayed American citizens with her untrustworthy behavior!
Her last lie went too far and it had grave consequences for Syria. She has the blood of innocent children on her hands!
Lets share this disgusting summary of Rice’s actions and expose her again to America!
Susan Rice Liar of the Year
New Report EXPOSES 6 Top REPUBLICANS on GEORGE SOROS’ PAYROLL! Guess Who’s Being Paid to Stop Trump?
“The non-profit, non-partisan research group based in Washington, D.C., that tracks the effects of money and lobbying on elections and public policy, revealed that while George Soros is responsible for funding Democrats and progressive causes, he has also bankrolled Senator John McCain and a small but select group of other Republicans.
Unsurprisingly, all of the names revealed to receive funding from George Soros have a track record of opposition to President Trump.”
Down below is the list of GOP recipients of Soros Fund Management:
Sen. John McCain (AZ-R)�Sen. Marco Rubio (FL-R)�House Speaker Paul Ryan (WI-R)�Gov. John Kasich (OH-R)�Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC-R)�Rep. Carlos Crubelo (FL-R)
The full list of recipients can be seen HERE.
John McCain was suspicious at first for being especially critical of Trump and even blasting him today for his phone call with the Australian Prime Minister. Both Graham and McCain attacked Trump for implementing an immigration ban as well.
“We fear this executive order will become a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism,” said Graham and McCain in a joint statement “may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”
It seems like no matter what the President does, the same few people are always there to quickly delegitimize him and his moves, but now it is clear why that is so. Share this to spread the word that we will no longer stand and listen to the words of traitors.
BREAKING: WikiLeaks Just Exposed Obama’s ‘Undetectable Assassination’ Scheme And 1 Person Is Already Dead
March 7, 2017
How far-reaching does Obama’s corruption go? Would he actually kill off his political opponents in order to keep his secrets from being revealed? Well according to what was just revealed by Wikileaks in their latest data
Back in 2013 during the Obama Administration, journalist Michael Hastings was killed under extremely bizarre circumstances just hours after contacting Wikileaks to inform them he was “in fear for his life” and was under FBI surveillance for what he uncovered about Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl. Additionally, Hastings “had the Central Intelligence Agency in his sights” and was set to release an an expose’ on the agency, according to L.A. Weekly.
Speculation swirled as to whether his high speed car crash was in fact a targeted assassination, after witnesses to the fiery wreck say that Hastings’ Mercedes had literally exploded, leading many to believe that a car bomb which ignited the fuel could have been responsible for the incident. While that was all conspiracy back in 2013, the sick thing that WikiLeaks just released corroborates this previous conspiracy theory as the absolute truth.
“The CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks. The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations,” writes Wikileaks.
Hastings sent an email hours before his death stating he was “onto a big story” and needed “to go off the radar for a bit.” It later emerged that the story was likely to have been an exposé of the CIA.
Friends and colleagues confirmed that the journalist was “very paranoid” about being under government surveillance and had received death threats. A separate close friend of Hastings also told Infowars that the journalist’s home was visited by agents from an unnamed federal agency the day before his death.
The incident gets even more alarming however, after what former counter-terror czar Richard Clarke said after the attack, where he went on the record to say that Hastings’ death was “consistent with a car cyber attack.”
“No matter how you slice this particular pie, a Mercedes is not just going to explode into flames without a little assistance,” writes freelance journalist Jim Stone. “Car fires in new cars happen for three main reasons — running the engine out of oil, or running the engine out of coolant, or after an absolutely huge car mangling accident, having the hot side of the battery short out against the frame before it reaches the fuse panel. And for all 3 of those normal reasons, which account for virtually all car fires in modern cars, the fire would have started in the engine compartment, progressed slowly, and scorched the hell out of the paint before ever reaching the gas tank. That clean paint is the be all tell all, Michael Hastings was murdered, and the rest is detail.”
The fact that the CIA was exploring “car hacking techniques” under Obama suggests that the technology has been an area of interest for the agency for quite some time. Other documents released today by Wikileaks reveal that the CIA has also been active in hacking microphones on computers, smart phones and TVs in order to listen in on the conversations of the user.
The Obama Administration openly bragged that they had the ability and authority to assassinate American citizens anywhere in the world if the person was determined to be a “national security threat.” Is it that far fetched to believe that Hastings was a victim of one of their unconstitutional policies?
source :
truth hurt liberals? What else ya got??
FLASHBACK: Here’s An Attorney General Who Actually DID Lie To Congress
The Democrats, desperate to keep the Russian Red Scare alive, are now turning their witch-hunt towards Attorney General Sessions The liberal hypocrisy can’t be more glaring considering it was OBAMA’s Attorney General Eric Holder who had a rocky relationship with the truth.
From the moment he was sworn in, Holder misled or lied outright to Congress over a host of issues: the targeting of reporters, the ‘new black panther’ party, the administration’s enforcement of federal marijuana laws, and most notoriously the ‘fast and furious’ gun-running scandal.
Testifying to the House Oversight Committee in 2011, Holder blatantly misled the panel about when he became aware of the deadly gun-running scheme.
“When did you first know about the program officially I believe called Fast and Furious? To the best of your knowledge, what date?” asked Chairman Darrell Issa.
Holder’s response? “I’m not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.”
As we now know, Holder’s statement was demonstrably false. A memo later revealed that the head of the National Drug Intelligence Center notified Holder of the operation the previous year.
Despite the rather brazen nature of his lie, not a single Democrat asked the Attorney General to resign.
It’s no surprise the Democrats are looking for scandals at the Attorney General’s office, they’re used to them.
Obama Treasonous Acts List.
1. He provided aid and comfort to the enemy by releasing five suspected terrorists and former members of the Taliban who participated in or orchestrated attacks against Americans.
2. He violated a law he signed six months prior requiring him to notify Congress 30 days before releasing GITMO detainees.
3. He has willfully and repeated violated Article I, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution by continuously amending the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.
4. He knowingly and willfully violated Article I, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution by signing the ACA, knowing full well it was a bill for raising revenue that had originated in the Senate.
5. He engaged in fraud by repeatedly lying to the American people about the effects of the ACA by claiming that Americans could keep their current coverage and physicians if they chose.
6. He exercised an abuse of power by instructing, through his proxies, agents of the Internal Revenue Service to target conservative organizations and his critics for extra scrutiny and audits.
7. He participated in an obstruction of justice and a criminal conspiracy by hindering a Congressional investigation into the Internal Revenue Service targeting scandal and using Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice in that obstruction.
8. He provided aid and comfort to the enemy by ordering or allowing the sale of arms and ammunition to al-Qaida-linked terrorists in Syria and by dispatching agents of the government to advise and train in the use of the those weapons and in military tactics.
9. He failed, despite repeated requests by the U.S. Consulate, to provide the security necessary to ensure the safety of U.S. personnel and the Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
10. He knowingly and willfully denied military assistance to Americans under attack at the Benghazi Consulate, resulting in the trashing of the U.S. Consulate building, the theft of sensitive documents and the deaths of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.
11. He knowingly and willfully lied and ordered his proxies to lie about the circumstances surrounding the attack on the U.S Consulate in Benghazi, thereby perpetrating a fraud on the American people in order to ensure his re-election and to cover up his illegal gun running operation.
12. He violated the War Powers Act by failing to gain Congressional approval for the military attack on Libya that resulted in the overthrow of the Libyan regime.
13. He provided aid and comfort to the enemy by using the American military and intelligence organizations and allowing the sale of arms and ammunition to al-Qaida-linked terrorists in order to assist them in overthrowing a legal regime in Libya that Congress had not declared war upon.
14. He has repeatedly made war on various Middle Eastern countries with the use of drone attacks without the approval of Congress in violation of the War Powers Act and in violation of Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.
15. He has ordered the murders of at least three American citizens without due process in violation of Amendments 5, 6, 8 and 14.
16. He has repeatedly used the Environmental Protection Agency to contravene Congress and pass laws harmful to American businesses and consumers, in violation of Article I, Section 1.
17. He has repeatedly violated the 4th Amendment by allowing agencies under his direction to continue to spy upon, wiretap and collect personal information of American citizens who are not criminal suspects.
18. He has repeatedly violated Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution by disregarding laws passed by Congress, including, but not limited to, U.S. immigration laws, civil rights laws and the Defense of Marriage Act.
19. He knowingly allowed the illegal sale of weapons to Mexican narco-terrorists that were later used to kill Americans, including border agent Brian Terry.
20. He obstructed justice by participating with Attorney General Holder in a cover-up of the Fast and Furious gun running scheme.
21. He knowingly and willfully violated Article IV, Section 4 by failing to protect the border States against invasion, and in fact encouraged that invasion through his rhetoric and with the use of executive orders that contravened U.S. immigration law.
22. He knowingly and willfully violated Article IV, Section 4 (guaranteeing a republican form of government to each State) by strong-arming, intimidating and threatening to withhold funds from the States of Oklahoma, Texas, Montana, Rhode Island and Arizona in order to coerce the people and legislatures of those States and prevent the passage of laws according to the citizen’s wishes.
23. He instructed his Interior Secretary to ignore the orders of Federal courts to lift a moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, which denied oil workers an opportunity to earn a living and damaged the U.S. economy.
24. He broke established precedent and contravened established bankruptcy law, to the detriment of the bond holders and the advantage of his campaign contributors (auto unions) in the General Motors bailout.
In the auto bailout, he knowingly and willfully deprived numerous auto dealers of their dealerships for political reasons in violation of Amendments 4 and 14.
25. He repeatedly transferred funds from the U.S. Treasury to his cronies and campaign contributors for use in failing green energy schemes.
26. He violated Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution by appointing officers without first obtaining the “Advice and Consent of the Senate.”