Fast approaching is a moment of truth: when the intelligence community will begin to split and take sides. With the heavy influence of the Establishmentariat and the Progressive rank and file closing around them, it becomes imperative for the few who “don’t belong” to separate themselves from the coming battle. What is this battle? It is the brewing skirmishes that have been occurring over the past few weeks that will culminate in one all-out war between the old-guard, career, embedded parasites in the intelligence community and the forces of the outsiders who are attempting to assuage the loss of the government’s life’s blood through leaks and endless innuendo.
As we speak, the lines are being drawn and the sides are parting like the Red Sea. On the one side stand the career people (those in the same ilk as the Lois Lerners, the Sally Yateses, the James Comeys, and the James Clappers of the political world), the career politicians (name 99% of the elected officials in the Senate or House), and the lower echelon staffers who do the bidding of the career people). On the other side is the Trump transition team, his handful of appointees, and his Cabinet. The odds don’t look good…except when you factor in the situation of an attorney general who is dedicated to routing out the weasels. There is also the added feature of having people like Newt Gingrich advising you, a person who is intimately familiar with the treachery of Leftists and their Deep State operatives.
Rest assured, the time is approaching quickly where the necessity to choose sides will come. And as the evidence begins to pile up that this was all an Obama-led Department of Shadowy Endeavors (DSE) attempt at sabotaging the Trump presidency and his policy initiatives, and it becomes clear that someone will be held up as the scapegoat, you can be guaranteed that all those in the know will suddenly back away from that scapegoat or scapegoats, leaving them utterly alone to answer the subpoenas all by themselves, knowing all along that their handlers will disavow any and all knowledge of their activities since the beginning.
Word is beginning to seep out and the proof of no collusion and no intimidation is starting to surface.
You lowlife morons wish it was that easy he’s fucked in eight different directions you just can’t let go of your bad decisions is an embarrassment to all of America and today the world will know
F**e news!!!
Because the Liberals didnt get their way and like 2 year olds their tantrums go on and on. If they were my kids, I’d beat their bottoms and snap them out of it!
They’ve had so much practice it wouldnt register
Remove all Obama staff out if the WH. Including all Dems.
A complete transcript shows Comey was never asked about Trump, and that Hirono’s question was about the U.S. attorney general or “senior officials” at the Justice Department:
Sen. Mazie Hirono: I’d like you to clarify the FBI’s independence from the DOJ apparatus. Can the FBI conduct an investigation independently from the Department of Justice or does the FBI have to disclose all of its investigations to the DOJ? Does it have to get the Attorney General’s consent?
FBI Dir. James Comey: Well, we work with the Department of Justice, whether that’s main justice of US attorney’s offices on all of our investigations, and so we work with them, so in a legal sense independent of the Department of Justice. We are spiritually and culturally a pretty independent group, and that’s the way you would want it. But yeah we work with the Department of Justice on all of our investigations.
Hirono: So if the attorney general or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?
Comey: In theory, yes.
Hirono: Has it happened?
Comey: Not in my experience, because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something without an appropriate purpose. Often times they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, so you ought to stop investing resources into. I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason that would be a very big deal. It has not happened in my experience.
I wonder how much money Hilliarry paid him to compromise his principles?
I can not for the life of me understand how in the hell BOTH sides are not up in arms, I mean the Right had what, 7 separate and distinct Hillary investigations and tried to subpoena everyone down to the guy that plug the ethernet cable into the modem, yet now the right claims everything is just a “distraction” when what we are talking about is TREASON, plain and simple….And I was all for investigating the what happened in Benghazi, but after the first 1or 2 investigations showed bad judgement but no malfeasance it should have been ended, everything else was a political sideshow….
So where are our presidents lawyers
so liberals get it through your head if Comey has memo notes that he did he LIED under oath or his memo notes are f**e so you can’t have it both ways…