Comey Under Oath: Trump Didn’t Tell FBI to Stop Investigation, “It’s Not Happened”

Donald Trump has been under a constant drip, drip, drip assault by the mainstream media in cahoots with nefarious agents in the intelligence community and the Leftist antagonists at the beck and call of Soros’ puppet forces.  His active slaves like Obama and Hillary, through their operatives in the government at high levels, are practicing to slow the president down through their employment of death by a thousand paper cuts.  If they can consistently keep the administration busy by putting out fires here, there and everywhere, the ability of the president to undo the policies instilled by Obama over the past eight years will be stymied.  By distracting both the public and the president’s staff, the Progressive wing of the government (and their pet Republicans) can take stock and re-organize their plan to maintain control over policymaking.

Recently, a tweet has emerged that was a transcript of the Congressional hearings involving Comey and the special relationship between the FBI and the Department of Justice.

As can plainly be seen, it appears that Comey is fully and soberly admitting that no such actions had been taken by the president or any of his staff to request that the Director drop his active investigation into the Russian influence of the elections.

There are going to be factions of the Progressive branch who will insist that this testimony means nothing.  They will excuse it as a mistake in wording, or that he feared for his job, or that he wasn’t clear about the question, perceiving it to be about the DOJ specifically, and not about the president.

Whatever the excuse, the words of this former Director in this particular instance will be overlooked in an effort to continue to push their narrative through that the president pressured Comey in to dropping an investigation into Flynn.

The Academy Award-winning performances that are about to take place in the media will be nothing compared to the spectacular meltdowns that will occur on every campus in the United States when it is revealed that the president did not, in fact, break any law.  Then, the fireworks will begin.

This stuff will make the Game of Thrones look like a game of chess.



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