Here we go again! Overstepping his authority in a massive way, the White House confirmed that President Obama was preparing a series of executive actions on gun control to match his recent passion on the issue after the latest mass shooting in Oregon. More overstepping on the next page:
We The People need to get rid of this guy. His time is short in office, so there is MORE TO COME.
Steve Eckert F’n moron..
Wayne Hancock LOL! another liberal sheep..
I have never served. I respect and back all that have! I will not back down! I will fight all enemys of the constitution. both foreign and domestic!
I will not hand my guns over freely that’s all I got to say
When will we ever see the last of this post?????
We have a President that is following word for word the socialistic rules of Sal Olinksky, read his book and wake up America! And Hillary Clinton wrote her thesis on this in college she will follow in his footsteps.
He’s so predictable….could see this coming a mile away. Why do these shooters inexplicably do what they do? They’re programmed by the people our “president” really works for just waiting for the word. These people are really good at what they do.
I swear. You can’t fix stupid. Democrats…especially Obama and Hillary have constipation of the brain as it relates to guns. It’s a fjxation…an agenda. If controls worked we wouldnt have speeders or drunk drivers. We have speed controls..we have drunk driving controls. Controls donot work. The law abides will comply and these mental midgets in government will point to those adherence as successes but violators still occur. I would sooner have had more people carrying a gun that could have stopped the threat by returning fire. Face it
..our government cannot protect you 24/7. I reserve that duty to myself. Government will not tell me to make myself vulnerable. Everything they touch is buggered up. Healthcare…failure….immigratin…failure. Gun control if enacted will be to. Criminal also will still have guns. Terrorists will still get guns. Our forefathers recognized this but our current leadership has dumbed down. I suspect they have a different agenda. I prefer the common sense approach. There is a post on you tube of an articulate young lady who was not an active shooter situation herself and lost her mom and dad. She was a CPL holder but her gun was not her car. She admitted she could have stopped the threat but for gun controls not allowing her to open carry n Texas. She wasn’t angry at the shooter but rather her political leaders for enacting controls making g her vulnerable. Very powerful video.
executive orders are not law only Congress can write the laws