On MSNBC this weekend Melissa Harris Perry featured a round table of guests, one being Jamal Greene, Vice Dean at Colombia Law School, talking about immigration. One aspect of the topic discussed was Donald Trump, and his plan for immigration reform, focusing on the 14th Amendment, especially the controversial issue of so called ‘anchor babies’. ‘Professor’ Greene compares the 14th Amendment and the Civil War to anchor babies. As you’ll see after the break, it was a bit of a stretch…
He is NUTS,Thats all you can say about that,keep him away from your children!!!
I will be mad if he builds a fence, I want a great wall, a project that shows the greatness of america. We need a world wonder not a simple fence, we need a show of power that is not war. We need to show what we are capable of. Hell build a norther border wall to. And get Canada to help. A joint word wonder, the Chinese did it thousands of years ago. With the technological advances it should be a big job but very doable. And turn it into a power supply, and a added elevated highway made for long haul across the country. That would free up a lot of congestion on our freeways. Have all transportation companies pay a yearly fee to operate on it. Pays for itself and would secure the north and southern border no off ramps out of the US. The cool this is it would be monitored for free by the users of the road 100% of the time.
Very cuckoo
and this is what some call educated? educated idiots maybe
What a piece of c**p.
Say what????
Wow! !!!!!!
These people are educators? No wonder our education system is doing so bad!!