On MSNBC this weekend Melissa Harris Perry featured a round table of guests, one being Jamal Greene, Vice Dean at Colombia Law School, talking about immigration. One aspect of the topic discussed was Donald Trump, and his plan for immigration reform, focusing on the 14th Amendment, especially the controversial issue of so called ‘anchor babies’. ‘Professor’ Greene compares the 14th Amendment and the Civil War to anchor babies. As you’ll see after the break, it was a bit of a stretch…
He needs tampon earrings too!
I would NEVER send a child of mine to a college to be indoctrinated by these TRAITOROUS MAGGOTS.
Law not History!
This idiot gets paid to teach at Columbia ?
Where do they find these nut jobs and they teach our kids
o.k. …by their logic….on to the next revolution then….
Wow this is the result of de-education of the populace -absolutely disgusting
how do people like him get through school without learning anything?
Were do these nitwit,s come from ?