On MSNBC this weekend Melissa Harris Perry featured a round table of guests, one being Jamal Greene, Vice Dean at Colombia Law School, talking about immigration. One aspect of the topic discussed was Donald Trump, and his plan for immigration reform, focusing on the 14th Amendment, especially the controversial issue of so called ‘anchor babies’. ‘Professor’ Greene compares the 14th Amendment and the Civil War to anchor babies. As you’ll see after the break, it was a bit of a stretch…
Colleges and universities have become the insane asylums of our generation.
These self-proclaimed social justice experts make we want to puke.
How can this Nation survive when our kids are fed lies?
Our elite college professors are not the brightest. I don’t even know how they got to become professors. You can see how good their teaching are in all our politicians.
Her” affrimative action degree’s” lack of TRUTH is Appalling !!
And this clown is teaching your children, wow.
confederate states vowed to NOT sell their cotton to the northern factories because the north was trying to screw them on the price. The south could sell their cotton to Europe . THAT’S when the Union pushed the South and when the south refused to sell them their cotton, the North used the Abolitionist movement as a ruse to push the movement to “free the slaves”as a way of hurting the south and bringing it to it’s knees….it wasn’t as easy as Lincoln thought it would be!.But the bottom line is THE CIVIL WAR WASN”T ABOUT SLAVERY, it was about the northern factories joining the industrial revolution. Freeing the slaves was just a great way of the North to get what they wanted….cheap cotton for their factories. ALL FAMILIES WHO LOST FAMILY MEMBERS IN THE CIVIL WAR SHOULD BEGIN LEGAL PREPARATIONS TO SUE FOR REPARATIONS!
WTF do these people come from?
Where do these people come from