The small town of Nucla, Colorado, with a population of 750, passed the state’s first and only municipal ordinance in 2014 requiring heads of households to own guns and ammo, “in order to provide for and protect the safety, security and general welfare of the town and its inhabitants.”
“We more or less kind of wanted to give criminals a heads up. Stay out of this town. We’re armed,” stated board member Richard Craig.
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Haha ^
Forcing people to own guns is as wrong as forcing them to not. It’s the affirmative action of the 2nd amendment. FREEDOM, means you have the right to choose.
So David Fite did you come up with those statistics off the top of your head in the make believe section or just hear some idiot such as yourself telling stories off the top of their head? Do some research before you run that hole in your mouth only good for sucking commy dick
You can tell that all these gun haters were raised with very to no respect on the ways to feed yourself except to go to a dam store and they think that beef and pork are handled with kid gloves if these people would go to a farm or a place were they processed the meat they couldn’t handle it!!!!!!!!!
In Jr High school, firearms training was an elective class. They encouraged us to bring our own guns, on the bus, store them in our own lockers. If a teacher saw you carrying your gun the most common confrontation was… “did you go hunting last week?” Get any pheasants? Or “that’s a nice finish on that gunstock”. Never any school shootings. We had RESPECT, and manners.
I graduated in 1977, Still cant spell. At that time it was a weekly event where 2 people settled a dispute with a bloody nose. Never did a weapon come out it was over and done with. Many times the two fighters would be found sitting together that lunch period eating together. The parking lot had pickups with 3 or more firearms hanging in the back window from start of school year until end of school year. We often would present our demonstrative speech on how to clean and care for your gun. Sad how times have changed.
The world was certainly different back then if they wann reign in any thing it should be gangster rap and all these wanna b thugs who write this type of music talkin about how cool it is to murder and kill and steal $#%&!@*in morons
Kids on farms all learned how to safely handle guns . That’s why these kids try and play with guns because they haven’t been taught about guns or saftey. I knew better than touch a gun in the house unless it was mine and I was cleaning it. I learned not to load my weapon unless I was in the field and to treat all guns with respect ,as if they were loaded at all times .
Cities need more gun control than small towns, but when liberals bring that up, gun folks go crazy cause they believe the NRA lies and think the government is coming to confiscate their guns.
If you think mandatory gun ownership would work in a large city, you might be short a few marbles… I would bet that everyone in this town knows folks from every family… THAT is why you dont get gun deaths there.