Politics is a dirty business, played by politicians according to their own convoluted set of rules. That is why it is so hard for a non-politican to win office. The rules keep changing, and the powers that be make sure that the insiders win so that they can all keep scratching one another’s backs.
This election cycle has been a particularly odd one, and the front runner for the Republican party is outsider and non-politician Donald Trump. That is not to say that Trump has been above his own set of dirty tricks, he has masterfully played the press, his opposition, and the public. One does not become a wealthy developer in New York City without gaining skills in the rough and tumble of business and negotiating.
One of the main reasons that Trump has gained traction is that Mr. Average Citizen is sick and tired of the games and cronyism that Establishment Republicans have been playing for years, leaving the average citizen in the lurch and keeping Wall Street and their political friends in the money. So it seems that finally average Republicans will have a say in who runs the show. But wait, not so fast!
See page 2 Republican delegate reactions in Colorado:
Ted doesn’t care if the votes were stolen or not. As long as he gets them. He is just like the GOP and RNC. People are tired of the corruption. Go Trump !
Jeanette Horne Cruz sleeps with his own cousin! Liar, cheater, adulterer and a leach! He steals everything Trump says and he has so many puppet strings attached! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Trump! Trump! Trump!
A two party communist system; they ignore the people and do what they want.
NOT IF WE THE PUBLIC STAND UP I am voting for Trump because I firmly believe that only a Business Man with heart can save this country and if the GOP tries to steal this election we need to shut them down permanently and with extreme prejudice…..
I think we have all realized that political corruption is rampant–it’s not exactly “news”, it’s just more of the same being talked about like its “new” “news”.
Nothing will be done about this. Our government has become so corrupt, we will soon need to apologize to every other corrupt country. Why have we let our politicians take over like this?
This whole RNC bunch is a disgrace. Hope this gentleman Stirs the pot in Colorado.That mess there is a disgrace, we don’t seem to have a vote this year so the RNC is electing Hiliary and putting an end to the Republican Party.I feel exactly like this gentleman from Colorado.
Bogus story… You need all the facts before you judge a situation.