Politics is a dirty business, played by politicians according to their own convoluted set of rules. That is why it is so hard for a non-politican to win office. The rules keep changing, and the powers that be make sure that the insiders win so that they can all keep scratching one another’s backs.
This election cycle has been a particularly odd one, and the front runner for the Republican party is outsider and non-politician Donald Trump. That is not to say that Trump has been above his own set of dirty tricks, he has masterfully played the press, his opposition, and the public. One does not become a wealthy developer in New York City without gaining skills in the rough and tumble of business and negotiating.
One of the main reasons that Trump has gained traction is that Mr. Average Citizen is sick and tired of the games and cronyism that Establishment Republicans have been playing for years, leaving the average citizen in the lurch and keeping Wall Street and their political friends in the money. So it seems that finally average Republicans will have a say in who runs the show. But wait, not so fast!
See page 2 Republican delegate reactions in Colorado:
Barack Hussein Obama fooled the people by making promises of changes, But what was there too change “Nothing” His plans of changes was actually a cover up in taking over the United States, We really want to know how Obama managed to sneak in Washington a person oscured not known by any political party. His name never came up as a Rep. or Congress. and sudenly he appeared from nowhere and took over for Hillary Clinton. And that Dumn$#%&!@*Romney took off like a scare chicken. and Hillary had to follow Obama.s order to do what he wanted her to do. I’m sure Obama will be running the country if Hillary wins the election. Also they seem to be afraid of Donald J. Trump for some reason. I wish Donald Trump wins the election. I’m sure that he is capable in having these two criminals put away in jail for the crimes they have committed agains every american. We Know that Obama have been stealing our monies and have been on vacations from one day to the other if we can count how many times he had made deals with other nations to improve america never. Yes he have improve Issil- ISSIS with armaments and money. and he wants to disarm every citizen who legally own a firearm to protect their families. If Adolph$#%&!@*was bad now you can see the equal to him and that is Barack Hussein Obama. America must declare war agains Obama and the Politicians in Washington. We must fight, Lest Vote for Donald J. Trump he is the only one to trust
dishonest & disgracefulo!
They run the show…corrupt politicians is not good in our country….Trump 2016
So it was either a mess-up or intentional misleading from the people telling him the information, or his misunderstanding (or possible fraud by him). If he was given conflicting dates, why didn’t he find out which was the right one? He also said he had had a surgery, maybe he missed something b/c of that.
We need to have protests every where. We do have the right.We can use the ballot box in November to take away the power of the Party That would give Hillary the hun the presidency.Do they really want to take chance?????
Donald Trump For President
Trumps right, rigged again.
Again, let’s see how this plays out!
This movement is moving forward and theres nothing they can do about it WE THE PEOPLE will take our govt back and make it what the founding fathers wanted a govt by he people for the people