Politics is a dirty business, played by politicians according to their own convoluted set of rules. That is why it is so hard for a non-politican to win office. The rules keep changing, and the powers that be make sure that the insiders win so that they can all keep scratching one another’s backs.
This election cycle has been a particularly odd one, and the front runner for the Republican party is outsider and non-politician Donald Trump. That is not to say that Trump has been above his own set of dirty tricks, he has masterfully played the press, his opposition, and the public. One does not become a wealthy developer in New York City without gaining skills in the rough and tumble of business and negotiating.
One of the main reasons that Trump has gained traction is that Mr. Average Citizen is sick and tired of the games and cronyism that Establishment Republicans have been playing for years, leaving the average citizen in the lurch and keeping Wall Street and their political friends in the money. So it seems that finally average Republicans will have a say in who runs the show. But wait, not so fast!
See page 2 Republican delegate reactions in Colorado:
It is a scarry time in the world right now and I feel the sorriest for the little children who will not grow up knowing the joy of being free in our own society cause of DIRTY POLITIANS AND MORE SO EVEN DIRTY PRESIDENT.
You can bet your sweet$#%&!@*that this has a big Oder to it, rigged isn’t the proper word…..
Denise Reier: Last time checked, you are not the person in charge. Your reply reads like you have control issues. FYI I have not read or heard confirmation of the rumor your spreading. Neverthless, Ted Cruz has a history of dirty campaigning tactics in this campaign and in his past and it shows his true character and why he is part of a weak Republican majority party with a congressional approval rating of only 11%. Buying delegates and mirroring the democrats super delegate system is stepping away from democracy. It is clear large numbers of Colorado voters are extremely upset, I’ve watched people burn their Republican voter registration cards, these facts are valid “real life” observations that indicate the system is broken. Just because these rules exist don’t make them right. Continous improvement is a key in developing a quality system. Trump is right.
Our coutry is Doomed! The Republicans have become crooks and the Democrats are Communist!!!!!!!!!
Millions of folks are ‘keeping a list’ and checking it twice before the SHTF… 😉
Wake up America
Masks are coming off vote smart
tyranny on the loose
The only purposes that this election is serving is to finally expose the extent of corruption in our government and hopefully wake up the anger in our people!