Colorado Delegate: “I have been removed and replaced, my vote nullified because I had voted for Trump”

Yep, Republican thought that with enough delegates, angry at being ignored and shoved aside, their voice would finally be heard. Right or wrong, the anti-establishment representative turned out to be Donald Trump. But even with that, delegate votes are being dismissed and discounted, and delegates are hopping mad!

A Delegate who voted for Trump said he hasn’t been “this mad in a long time,” after finding out that the Republican Party “removed and replaced” his vote for Trump, committing election fraud.

“My name is no longer on the roster, as a Delegate I have been removed and replaced, my vote nullified because I had voted for Trump.”

The “Delegate” said that he is “going to raise holy hell over this” and is “ashamed to call himself a Republican.”

The Delegate said that he was “threatened,” forewarned, that if he voted for Trump he ‘would be replaced.’

The Delegate said he was a “life-long Republican” until this happened, and said he will “find another party.”

The Democrat party has been more open about their theft of the primary, with so-called super-delegates already lined up to vote for Hillary Clinton, regardless of the popular sentiment, and without input from the voters. The Republicans, it seems, are a little more sneaky and are trying to be less blatant about the theft. In Texas there were voters who cast ballots for Donald Trump, only to see their votes transformed into support for Marco Rubio, the then favorite establishment candidate for president.

It appears that the top vote getters in the Republican party will be Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, neither of which are favorites of the Republican establishment or party leaders. An open convention will mean that the party, rather than the people, will decide who the Republican nominee for president is, and that will cause a huge number of Republicans to protest and perhaps to not vote at all. It is a dirty business, and it could very well end up fracturing the Republican party for good.




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