If one had to pick a theme for the 2016 election it would be the success of outsider insurgent candidates. In the Democratic primaries socialist Senator Bernie Sanders has momentum on his side after defeating the “inevitable” establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton in seven straight contests.
The Republican race has seen several outsider candidates enjoy their moments in the sun this election. Before poor performances in Iowa and New Hampshire forced Carly Fiorina to suspend her campaign, she showcased her sharp intellectual skills at every debate. With an impressive command of both domestic and foreign policy, Fiorina set the early bar for debate performances and remains near the top of all of the candidates short lists for VP.
Neurosurgeon Ben Carson is another outsider who enjoyed success in the GOP primary this election. After briefly catapulting to the top of the polls late last year, Carson fell back down to Earth after many voters (and campaign staffers) became concerned that he did not have a firm grasp on policy. Carson’s plea for a more civil tone in the election has largely been disregarded, but he remains a highly favorable figure to most conservatives.
By far, the most successful insurgent candidate this year, though, remains real estate mogul, Donald Trump. However, Trump’s bombastic persona and often controversial rhetoric has led the GOP establishment to try to take him down, even rallying behind Ted Cruz — who on just about any other election year would be considered the outsider candidate.
Now we have (yet another) report of election fraud in an attempt to stop Trump. A now-former delegate in Colorado claims he was stripped of his title for voting for Trump, giving Cruz all of the Colorado delegates. To continue reading and watch videos from the delegate himself, continue on the next page:
TRUMP 2016!
Donald J. Trump
This was posted on the page: “We The Conservative Voters of America”. Read & Learn.
“This was posted by one of our members here. (ITS NOT MY POST, I DID NOT WRITE IT, I PINNED IT FOR HER) I think it is VERY important to understand the process and to STOP placing blame on other candidates, or even the GOP……….. Do you know how the process works? IMO, if YOU now do not like the process, then get involved.. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………”
I am quoting from my sister who knows Colorado’s election rules. Hopefully you will have a long enough attention span to read this entire comment.
“This just shows how ignorant reporters and people who make such comments. Colorado Republican DELEGATES are selected from the precinct level to go and represent the VOTERS, who VOTED for the DELEGATES at the State Convention. Voters had to attend their precinct caucus to have a vote. Failure to attend the caucus is the fault of the voter. I have been Precinct Chair, District Chair and I KNOW HOW HARD I AND A HANDFUL OF PRECINCT VOLUNTEERS WORK to call every registered Republican in the precinct and encourage them to get out to the caucus and have their voice heard by voting at the Caucus for the delegates they want to represent them at the County and State Conventions where the Delegates are selected by VOTE to represent the various candidates. Most people hang up once you identify who you are and what your purpose is for the call…purpose: to notify every registered Republican in the precinct to attend Caucus and Vote. Most Republicans choose to not participate and thus they give up their vote. By the time they possibly vote at a primary and certainly at the General election, the choice of candidates has already been made BY THOSE WHO BOTHERED TO EXERCISE THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT AND PARTICIPATE IN THE PROCESS.
It is disgusting that the likes of “smart people” like Bill O’Riley or Megyn Kelley or Matt Drudge and on and on and on fail to study the process and understand it. It is a task….Every state makes their own rules regarding how candidates are selected. Thats in the Constitution, by the way. A little intelligence, a little research would go a long way. There is no VOTERLESS Victory. The victory is won by those who participate. The candidate who can get the most voters out to vote for delegates that will vote for them, win. AND BY THE WAY, ANY REGISTERED REPUBLICAN CAN HIM/HERSELF RUN TO BE A DELEGATE FOR THE CANDIDATE OF YOUR CHOICE. I HAVE DONE THIS AND I HAVE BEEN TO TWO NATIONAL CONVENTIONS. I FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO IT AND DID IT. Too many stupid, willfully ignorant people with big microphone are saying things they choose to know nothing about.
I moved to Colorado in 2011 and so 2012 was my first time to participate. Just a side note: the average Republican simply does not participate and so when I moved there, my long and wide experience in New Mexico was latched onto and I was quickly involved. the 2012 caucus was a first caucus experience for me and I had to work to familiarize myself a new process. At the precinct caucus that year, there was a “straw vote” for the Republican Candidate of choice. If I remember correctly, Rick Santorum won the whole county. However, this was announced over and over that it was “a straw poll for Presidential preference by those who attended the precinct caucuses, NOT an primary type vote for a candidate. In fact, the caucus elected delegates to go to the County Convention, the Congressional District convention and the State Convention. Each individual who was willing to run to be a delegate to all or any of these conventions was given opportunity to state the principles and values they would support and the candidate they preferred to support if elected at the various levels to be a delegate to the State Convention. Thus, I for instance, ran to be a delegate for all three. I was elected delegate to County and State but alternate to Congressional. At the Congressional Convention was where the delegates for the presidential candidates were elected. That was and is the Colorado rule. I did move up to delegate at this convention because of no shows on the delegate list. Therefore I did get to cast my vote at the State Convention for the candidate I preferred. It was NOT Romney. These conventions take time, commitment and a willingness to do some research and study plus you pay your own way. Colorado just had their Congressional District delegate elections followed by the State Convention last Saturday and Ted Cruz swept it.
Also note that Colorado’s Primary election is not until late June. All these preliminary caucuses, conventions have determined the candidates who will be on the Primary Ballot. So folks, if you don’t participate at the precinct level, you have essentially given up the power of your vote to those who did participate. If you don’t like the rules, then get involved in your party, attend events and meetings, get a copy of the rules and learn them. In 2017 all precinct, county, state organizations will begin a reorganization process, to include visiting the rules of how the process in 2020 will work. Once again, IF YOU DO NOT PARTICIPATE AT THE PRECINCT LEVEL, YOUR VOICE WILL NOT BE HEARD AND YOU WILL HAVE TO LIVE BY THE RULES ESTABLISHED BY THOSE WHO DO PARTICIPATE. Every four years all things are revisited and changes made according to the input of the participants.” ~Kathryn Cooper
CORRUPT GOP…….GOP needs to be taught a lesson ……TRUMP 20416 even if we have to erite him in….the people’s choice…
This is crooked.
Washington is a Mafia . That needs to be Removed !
Voter suppression and fraud!
Cheating Cruz the party weasel !