With the success of insurgent outsider candidates in both parties this election year, the party elites have become nervous. The have coalesced behind two candidates — Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz — who do not engender much enthusiasm in voters, and have gone on the attack against the two candidates — Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump — with the most fervent supporters.
After several reports of voter fraud or suppression, such as last month’s debacle in Arizona, many of Trump and Sanders’ supporters are crying foul. Intellihub describes the situation in Colorado where a Trump supporter claims he was stripped of his status as a delegate for his vote for Trump.
The “Delegate” said that he is “going to raise holy hell over this” and is “ashamed to call himself a Republican.”
They are a “corrupt bunch of thieves.”
The Delegate said that he was “threatened,” forewarned, that if he voted for Trump he ‘would be replaced.’
The Colorado Republican Party has yet to respond to these allegations, but if they prove to be true then this is clearly a blow for the democratic process.
Source: Intellihub
What is wrong with Colorado?? Cruz and Soros paying all you delegates off too!!!
34 votes for Cruz and not even ONE for trump looks like a skunk slipped in there somewhere
Whatever party Trump decides to run under, “he has me and my families vote,” and whoever votes against him in the electoral process will loose our vote in the near future….
Colorado. Cmon. You cannot stand for this.
Corrupt politics right here in the USA
It’s time to abandon the republican party after all they left us a long time a go
Listen to this and you will find information that will shock you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kq41pU7f5QI&feature=player_embedded
Thank you Sir. You have covered it as well as one can. Short of a documentary.