The GOP establishment may have won the battle in Colorado, but a short video on Youtube shows that they might very well lose the war to keep Donald Trump from winning the party nomination.
With insider darlings like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio out of the race and John Kasich consigned to virtual irrelevance, the Republican leadership have been forced to tacitly support Ted Cruz as he mounts the only viable challenge to Trump’s candidacy.
Although Trump remains very popular among conservatives, the real estate tycoon has had trouble capitalizing on that momentum in the primary. Indeed, Cruz has managed to deal several blows to the Donald, with the upset in Colorado being the most recent and arguably most egregious example.
However, not everybody is pleased with the methods the Cruz campaign resorted to to defeat Trump in Colorado. One delegate who was unceremoniously removed from his position after voting for Trump made as much clear in a video.
After identifying himself as a lifelong Republican, the man can be seen lighting his party registration on fire before declaring he will never be one again.
Watch the video on the next page:
And, stupid too!
It isn’t “acceptable” in polite society to support Donald Trump, I am told. by A.J. Delgado
America’s bullies – the sneering, “we know better than you” establishment classes – have made many cower in silence rather than proclaim that Trump is a tremendous presidential candidate and has earned their support.
It is a replay of the worst aspects of high school peer-pressure, about what’s OK and what isn’t, based on selfish interests and prejudices.
Well, enough of that. Trump is already changing America for the better – and is encouraging us to boldly stand up for our beliefs about what’s best for our nation and best for our fellow Americans.
So let’s get right to it. Shifting America back on course requires Donald Trump as the Republican nominee. Not only is he the only Republican candidate who could win the general election, but he is the only choice Republican voters should consider (and should consider themselves lucky to have on their side).
you know absolutely zero about this. P**s poor planning on Trumps campaign, you know, the best people. Maybe they are tired of winning. Maybe they’ll get tired of whining.
Way to go.
another hillary supporter, that is how Obama won last time. To bad Troump does not know what he is doing.
Gop fixers will pay
Glad to see his message getting out. Loud and clear
I can’t take credit. I’m not the original author. But felt it was important enough to copy and paste.
In one press conference after another, when referring to the Muslim terror super-group ISIS, United States President Barack Obama will use the term ISIL instead of their former name ISIS or current name Islamic State. Have you ever wondered about that? We have.
ISIL stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. Now, to us Westerners we don’t really make much of a distinction, do we? No, honestly from our perspective its all about the same. But how would a Muslim living in the Middle East view it? Just what is the Levant anyway? Let’s take a look.
The geographical term LEVANT refers to a multi-nation region in the Middle East. It’s a land bridge between Turkey to the north and Egypt to the south. If you look on a map, however, in the near exact middle of the nations that comprise the Levant, guess what you see? Come on, guess!
It’s Israel.
Now you know why Obama says that he has no plan, no goal, and no stated aim for dealing with ISIS. But he does have a plan, and it’s a really nasty, diabolical one. Obama’s plan is to drag his feet for as long as he can, doing only the bare minimum that Congress forces him to do. His “plan”to buy ISIS as much time as possible to make as many gains as they can.
Here is what’s wrong with our government. It has been infested.
When you read this you will understand why Obama refuses to say the words “radical Islam.” Did you know that We Now Have a Muslim Government? … John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia. Obama’s top advisor, Valerie Jarrett,~~is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live. Hillary Clinton’s top advisor, Huma Abedin,~~is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan,~~is a Muslim. Homeland Security Advisor, Mohammed Elibiary,~~ is a Muslim. Obama advisor and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati,~~ is a Muslim. Obama’s Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America~~ is a Muslim. Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighbor-hood Partnerships, Eboo Patel,~~is a Muslim. And last but not least, our closet Muslim himself,~~ Barack Hussein Obama. It’s questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in. He didn’t repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath again….in private? CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution,~~not a Bible. Congressman, Keith Ellison took his oath on a copy ~~of the Qur’an. Congresswoman Michele Bachman was vilified and almost tarred and feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our government. Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East. The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he’s become! Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who want to destroy us. It WILL only get worse. Plus John Kerry’s son in law is an Iranian muslim. Had enough?
Here’s the SCENARIO Folks…RNC rigs the voting. so Trump can’t get the 1237…Then the RNC throws CRUZ under the bus for Kasish…Knowing full well that Kasich can’t bet Hillary…and the CORRUPTION continues for another 4-8 years…WELCOME TO THE NEW AMERICA.
How many LIES and how much FRAUD will it take for people to wake up?
THE ESTABLISHMENT = CORRUPTION. Only takes about 6 months to indoctrinate NEWBIES.
ELITE CLUB of THIEVES and they don’t give a D***** what the AMERICAN PEOPLE want….
SOROS has run this country for the last 7 + years and he doesn’t plan on giving up his POWER.
THE ESTABLISHMENT (RINOS/DEMOCRATS) doesn’t want Trump in because he’ll clean house and EXPOSE all the CORRUPTION!
If Trump is CHEATED out of the nomination, I will write him in on the General Election BALLOT in November and drop my REPUBLICAN affiliation shortly thereafter.
The RNC are on their way to IMPLOSION. GOP = Grand Old Party is on it’s way to the SH** HOUSE.
Here is one honest man…amen