The GOP establishment may have won the battle in Colorado, but a short video on Youtube shows that they might very well lose the war to keep Donald Trump from winning the party nomination.
With insider darlings like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio out of the race and John Kasich consigned to virtual irrelevance, the Republican leadership have been forced to tacitly support Ted Cruz as he mounts the only viable challenge to Trump’s candidacy.
Although Trump remains very popular among conservatives, the real estate tycoon has had trouble capitalizing on that momentum in the primary. Indeed, Cruz has managed to deal several blows to the Donald, with the upset in Colorado being the most recent and arguably most egregious example.
However, not everybody is pleased with the methods the Cruz campaign resorted to to defeat Trump in Colorado. One delegate who was unceremoniously removed from his position after voting for Trump made as much clear in a video.
After identifying himself as a lifelong Republican, the man can be seen lighting his party registration on fire before declaring he will never be one again.
Watch the video on the next page:
Nancy- If it is contested and they try to shove a panty waist “moderate” then nobody who already voted will be happy. For your clairification, I’m neither a Trump man or a Cruz man. I’d take either over Killery!
he must have burned his calendar before march 1 voting where 65000 people caucused. A real genius.
AMERICA WANTS TRUMP….Trump for President…Make America Great Again.
You do know that this jackwad was too stupid to follow through with what he needed to do, don’t you? Typical low information Trump voter. Lol
Charles havent you heard this guy has been proven a liar and a fraud?
This headline is an absolute lie. He didn’t show up. Then claimed to be a state delegate (and never was). Now he’s ineligible to vote unless of course he signs up Democrat (which is what Donald Trump and all his kids were until the daughter missed the deadline to vote in NY’s Republican primary). Idiot!
Communism.. Go trump
Retards… Vote for Democrats..
Stand back, this could catch the whole place on fire !