The former delegate’s video is one of the most damning indictments of the Cruz campaign and the GOP establishment in general. That a man who has been supporting Republicans all his life would burn his party registration for all the world to see demonstrates the depths to which the leaders of the party he once loved have sunk.
See the video for yourself:
Politics is very soon, at it’s end. Time to exorcize our second amendment rights and take back control of this corrupt government.
Civil War
Being popular with only 35% of the voting Republicans is not in any way shape or form popular , you have one candidate that knows the system and what it takes to win , and you have one candidate who seems to be completely ignorant of the process , I agree Donald Trump may well destroy the Republican Party, now think for a second who does that benefit? Donald Trump has no chance to win as a third-party candidate not with his current 35% of voting Republicans. I am tired of hearing this drivel about stolen delegates, that he never had in the first place, this system has been in place for most of our lives to protect the GOP from being split asunder and losing all chance of winning elections, what is most obvious is the ignorance of the average republican voter, I am sad to see.
Jonathan Roux what is conservative gonna do for mr if the canditate(pres) is a manipulator woman chaser and lier not gonna give up trump for that-he is a conservative . Just as good as Cruz for sure!!!
I refused to respond to the GOP request for monetary support , because of their trickery , and NASTY treatment of this delegate ,and the PUSH AGAINST TRUMP !!!