A shocking video has surfaced out of Colorado Springs where officer Tyler Walker is seen picking up a 100lb, handcuffed girl and slamming her into a concrete floor, which knocked out her teeth and has caused lingering health problems.
18-year-old girl, Alexis Acker was arrested in 2013 after officers received calls of a disturbance that involved a gun and were dispatched to Acker’s apartment. Police report finding no probable cause, but did find that Acker was “intoxicated and verbally uncooperative with police.”
excessive force for sure.
If she was in a hospital and out of control, hospital personnel should have given her a “$#%&!@*tail”, a little haldol and Ativan.
She was just standing there, following instructions and he slammed her to the concrete floor?
I think it makes the problem worse when we defend the one who started it. Why don’t they just avoid the trouble? Then, when caught, pay the time…a buch of “I shouldn’t be in trouble, lookie what he did” mentality. Shifting the blame.
Or priests they molest
Or teachers they have sex with students
Or blacks they comment crimes
Or Germans they are $#%&!@*s
Or Italians all mobsters
Or Arabs all terrorists
Or whites all klan members
Or Hispanics all illegal drug smugglers
See how stupid you sound when you lump everyone together
Sure George. Keep drinking the LIB$#%&!@*S kool-aid.
They are hired to protect the innocent, not take abuse from thugs
and you do know he charged a cop after being involved in an armed robbery right? regardless if he was holding the gun he was with them
Or priests they molest
Or teachers they have sex with students
Or blacks they comment crimes
Or Germans they are $#%&!@*s
Or Italians all mobsters
Or Arabs all terrorists
Or whites all klan members
Or Hispanics all illegal drug smugglers
Or military they rape
Or lawyers they steal
Or doctors they kill with malpractice
See how stupid you sound when you lump everyone together
what a joke