A shocking video has surfaced out of Colorado Springs where officer Tyler Walker is seen picking up a 100lb, handcuffed girl and slamming her into a concrete floor, which knocked out her teeth and has caused lingering health problems.
18-year-old girl, Alexis Acker was arrested in 2013 after officers received calls of a disturbance that involved a gun and were dispatched to Acker’s apartment. Police report finding no probable cause, but did find that Acker was “intoxicated and verbally uncooperative with police.”
There are always two sides to a story…let’s hear what the officer has to say in defense before we crusify him.
ouch that had to hurt
Not in the privates. That handcuffed girl did not deserve to be picked up, and body slammed! That handcuffed girl did not deserve to have her teeth knocked out, she did not deserve to have this cop give her a concussion, and causing permanent injuries.
These cops go through training for a reason… To be able to handle this kind of situation, without losing control. Which, obviously, this cop has no self-control.
OK Mary.
She kicked him in the privates she $#%&!@*aulted him. She should not have done that. Simple
What is wrong with the youth of today? They are given an order by a law enforcement officer and instead of following the insturctions they refuse…what did she expect this officer to do, give her a kiss for disobeying his instructions.
another badged lunatic……………..?
No one knew this cop was a loose cannon? The police better get a grip on the troops!
IF the brat would have had some discipline in her life, she wouldn’t have been in this situation.
what ever she could have possibly done while handcuffed couldn’t possibly worth loosing your job over — not saying the cops are backed into a corner with all the press some may be deserved however like everything else it’s the 10% that cause trouble for the 90% who go on everyday and have to live with what the 10% causes