A shocking video has surfaced out of Colorado Springs where officer Tyler Walker is seen picking up a 100lb, handcuffed girl and slamming her into a concrete floor, which knocked out her teeth and has caused lingering health problems.
18-year-old girl, Alexis Acker was arrested in 2013 after officers received calls of a disturbance that involved a gun and were dispatched to Acker’s apartment. Police report finding no probable cause, but did find that Acker was “intoxicated and verbally uncooperative with police.”
Absoluty no excuse for thid. NONE! The Cop just committed a crime.
lol police are not the law they are civil servants that enforce various aspects of law for the state or municipality.. the law doesnt end with the individual officer acting as judge, jury and or executioner.
Isn’t he tough
Cop over reacted WAY to much! This girl was already in cuffs.,,This cop claims she $#%&!@*aulted him…She should bring charges against him for attempted murder !
She was there for a reason. Should have been more respectful. That was her fault not the policeman. She is probably an Anchor Baby.
Yeah you would. You should be more worried why your kid is in jail. Not the cop for giving your kid the discipline you should be giving
So you knock her to the ground and bust her face up. Most cops are pretty strong there is always a way to subdue. Don’t drink and get crazy girl, but you did not deserve this. Get some help for what ever your anger problem is, maybe get a little spiritual help, won’t hurt like the police did to you. You won’t get banged around.
There is no respect for authority, I believe most of these incidents would never occur if there were more respect!! These police officers put their lives on the line everyday, respect them!!
Cool story bro, how about the cop does it right next time!
Apparently can’t keep her mouth shut.