A shocking video has surfaced out of Colorado Springs where officer Tyler Walker is seen picking up a 100lb, handcuffed girl and slamming her into a concrete floor, which knocked out her teeth and has caused lingering health problems.
18-year-old girl, Alexis Acker was arrested in 2013 after officers received calls of a disturbance that involved a gun and were dispatched to Acker’s apartment. Police report finding no probable cause, but did find that Acker was “intoxicated and verbally uncooperative with police.”
where is the rest of the video from the incident as well? typical isnt it that only parts being showed
He should press charges on her for $#%&!@*ault. What makes these punks think they can $#%&!@*ault cops. No! Just No!
Go to the second page of the article and watch the video. She kicked him once and tried to kick him again before he took her down. There are a lot of teenagers these days who are tomorrows inmates!
His daughter might just have been raised better. Respect the cops! You don’t kick them in the b@lls. Geezzzz!
Watch the visdeo on the second page of the article and see what she does before he takes action.Pay close attention.
If this little girl kicked me in the knee or anywhere else, I would respond according to the law and department policy. In thus case, I would have held her, called a second officer, picked her up by the arms, put her in a holding cell and let her sit there til she calmed down. Any police office that attacks a little girl like that needs to be immediately fired and then criminally charged with felony $#%&!@*ault. Its idiots like this that give law enforcement a bad name.
I bet she’ll never kick another cop!
I agree Dan! Sorry, crossing the line!