A shocking video has surfaced out of Colorado Springs where officer Tyler Walker is seen picking up a 100lb, handcuffed girl and slamming her into a concrete floor, which knocked out her teeth and has caused lingering health problems.
18-year-old girl, Alexis Acker was arrested in 2013 after officers received calls of a disturbance that involved a gun and were dispatched to Acker’s apartment. Police report finding no probable cause, but did find that Acker was “intoxicated and verbally uncooperative with police.”
He could have cuffed her ankles and that would have been a more human way
Or she could have used her brain and followed directions..
Obey the cops and go home with pretty face. Or you will get busted if you acted bad.
Susan Marie,You should be MORE aware of the LAW!!! If she was resisting arrest, then whatever happens to her IS HER OWN FAULT!! Police aren’t there to be anyone’s punching bag! She should be aware of what can happen to her if she $#%&!@*aults a POLICE OFFICER!! And so should YOU!! DUMMY!!
Marcie Christinidis and the rest of you libtards. Are you gonna be a good girl on the way to the fema camp?
Todd Hill, you seem to a little violent, hoping for such evil on people
No you wouldn’t Greg, stfu.
This jackbooted thug wasn’t hurt by the “kick” from this tiny handcuffed girl, but took the opportunity to show her who want the boss by throwing her into the floor and jumping on her. He must have lost his red armband while taking down this terrible person.
^^^ yep. Stfu.
Why no outrage or riots? Oh, that’s right she is not $#%&!@*!