Oh wow, would you look at that: another thing described as a “myth” by progressives has turned out to be a very real phenomenon.
After looking into reports of voting irregularities, a Colorado CBS affiliate uncovered numerous instances of people voting in elections months and even years after they died. According to the investigation, dozens of voters across the state had their ballots counted after they had passed on.
The report revives concerns about the possibility that corrupt officials could count votes from deceased persons in order to sway the outcome of the electoral process the way they wish. Indeed, the fallout from the affair is so severe that Colorado authorities have launched criminal investigations of their own to get to the bottom of it. I don’t know about you, but I don’t know many “myths” that warrant criminal investigation.
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Every state needs to & them using x-felons to vote too !!! Plus with all the bad weather I feel that is how o won in the 1st & 2nd time !!!
congress i see your watching the votes again you all need to be thrown out.
Any thing to keep the power :<
Yeah that must of picked that up in chicago
It gets worse everday here.The crooked get away with everything.
DUH! When did you come up with this idea?
The Democratic party been doing that for many years somehow pulled in too many times in one election
The old Obama trick trickled down to the old washed up hag. They can’t do anything unless its illegal.
LIBERALS have become soulless cheaters. Never Hillary.
Trump! Vote wear Red election day