Water cannons were used on protesters on Cologne, Germany, as they marched against the rape festival that occurred on New Year’s Eve. The 1,700 people, representing the Germany nationalist group Pegida, which stands for Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West held a rally in Cologne over the weekend.
Water cannons were no where to be found, nor were the militarized police the night several gang rapes occurred at the hands of marauding Muslim refugees on New Year’s Eve. Instead, those who were victimized were told by the mayor to not be alone where they could get raped.
The victims are the perps in this case. The protesters are the criminals. The rapists, seeking asylum, are the victims.
Topsy-turvy is the politically correct world in Germany, where protesters of rape get shot with water cannons and rapists gets away with… well rape.
Read more about the rally on the following page.
Not really Obama & Hillary will have the American citizens arrested for defending themselves.
You should have kept your guns; you would have been much safer.
Start killing the rapists.
I must praise the Dalai Lama, who is, correct me if I’m forgetting anyone, but one of one high profile non Whites who has spoken out against White Genocide, warning Italy about immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. More here: http://whitegenocideproject.com/dalai-lama-opposes-mass-immigration-into-europe-says-immigrants-should-stay-in-their-own-countries/
Not even conservatives argue that France is a distinctive biological and cultural entity that should be conserved. That’s not the way we are supposed to think about white countries. Korea? Yes. Ghana? Pakistan? Paraguay? Fine. Those places, like all other non-white nations, have the right to maintain their identities and ways of life.
And what about conserving white people biologically? They are a small minority of the world population–7 or 8 percent–and some of them are breeding with other groups, just like the Cuban crocodile. But anyone who says maybe we should think about the long-term prospects of white people–kind of like the way we do with the Kretschmarr Cave mold beetle–is no longer a conservationist. He’s a white supremacist.
I make no secret of my view on this. My ancestors have been white for tens of thousands of years. My children are white and I want my grandchildren to be white. I like the culture of Europe, I prefer the society that whites create. What’s wrong with that?
Well, guess what? Even though they don’t admit it, almost all whites feel the same way I do.
Look at what they do, not what they say. Where do they live? Who are their friends? Who do they invite over for dinner? If you ask a white person to name a single non-white neighborhood he’d like to live in, or a single non-white school he’d want to send his children to, you get a blank.
Whites know in their bones that a non-white America is not the country they want for themselves or for their children. That is why, when the part of America in which they live becomes an outpost of Africa or Mexico, they move away–to some place where whites are still the majority. And most white people still want their children to marry other whites.
They wouldn’t dare say these things openly. They don’t even admit these things to themselves. But look at how they behave–and Lefties are no different from anyone else. As Joseph Sobran used to put it, “in their mating and migratory habits, you can’t tell a liberal from a Klansman.”
As the hippies used to say, white people just need to get in touch with their feelings.
Whites used to be entirely honest about their feelings, and there is no doubt that people who call themselves conservative were honest for longer than lefties were.
In the 1960s, William F. Buckley’s National Review supported apartheid in South Africa, and said that an immigration policy designed to keep the country white “requires no justification.” Preserving a white America was a goal so obviously legitimate that it didn’t have to be justified. It was “beyond conservatism” and “beyond liberalism.”
National Review doesn’t take that position now. It would banish anyone who did to the outer darkness of VDARE.com. And that’s just one of the countless positions that conservatism has simply abandoned.
Article HERE: http://whitegenocideproject.com/white-genocide-in-one-easy-lesson-2/
TRUMP for President =VOTE every VOTE counts and makes a difference
Wow Obama mentality at its finest ????
Send them back
When will those serving in Germany ‘ s Government pledge an oath to defend it’s Citizen’s and not it’s Tyrants ?