During the New Year celebrations across the globe, news outlets were reporting that ISIS and other jihadist outfits were planning on spectacular attacks to ring in the new year.
One place they did not have to plan for was Cologne, Germany.
A security company operator and part-time actor, Ivan Jurevic, uploaded a viral video of his account of the night 1,000 “refugees” held the city in their grip, vandalizing and carrying out sexual assaults.
The description sounded like a medieval raid, with women running for cover from beastly marauding men.
It’s simply the result of not knowing who you are bringing into your country.
Years ago, when the “Arab Spring” began, the world looked at the uprisings through rose colored glasses and pretended the men who sexually assaulted journalist Lara Logan in Tahrir Square were somehow rare or unheard of.
In fact, it’s a way of life in all of these nations from which we import these men. They take what they want from women. Women are punished for being raped. Women are punished for talking about being raped.
When you import massive amounts of these men and turn them loose on your streets, you cannot expect them to treat your citizens any better.
In Cologne, they are learning this the hard way.
See the next page for the assaults on women in Cologne
Good Man!!
Ha ha! Yaifare!
Obama Destroyed Trump’s Entire Campaign With 4 Sentences At The State Of The Union
By: Jason Easleymore from Jason Easley
Tuesday, January, 12th, 2016, 9:27 pm
President Obama never mentioned Donald Trump by name, but he destroyed the basis for the GOP front runner’s 2016 campaign with one paragraph in his State Of The Union.
The President said:
“America has been through big changes before – wars and depression, the influx of immigrants, workers fighting for a fair deal, and movements to expand civil rights. Each time, there have been those who told us to fear the future; who claimed we could slam the brakes on change, promising to restore past glory if we just got some group or idea that was threatening America under control. And each time, we overcame those fears. We did not, in the words of Lincoln, adhere to the “dogmas of the quiet past.” Instead we thought anew, and acted anew. We made change work for us, always extending America’s promise outward, to the next frontier, to more and more people. And because we did – because we saw opportunity where others saw only peril – we emerged stronger and better than before.”
What was true then can be true now. Our unique strengths as a nation – our optimism and work ethic, our spirit of discovery and innovation, our diversity and commitment to the rule of law – these things give us everything we need to ensure prosperity and security for generations to come.
Donald Trump is trying to scare the country into electing him president, but his fear campaign ran into an Obama brick wall. The President is laying out a vision of where America is going and what the nation can be.
Unlike Trump, Obama isn’t scaring the country by playing on its darkest fears. President Obama is laying out a vision of leadership that will carry America into its next great decade.
President Obama didn’t have to mention Donald Trump by name. Everyone knew who he was talking about. Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is based on a fear of the future. Obama shined the light of truth on to that fear and revealed the empty words of a demagogue.
Obama’s last State Of The Union contained all of the vision and optimism that is missing in the Republican Party. President Obama has embedded hope into the soul of the Democratic Party, and it is this hope and optimism that will carry a new Democrat to the White House in 2016.
I’d slap them with a pound of bacon.
This is not Civil War, it’s protecting the homeland. If Obama allows this to happen here: $#%&!@*him to Hell!
Whether you want to believe it we,are at war with radical islam. We need to roundup every Muslim refugee / terrorist in the United States and put them in camps in the desert to await deportation in the future. This would include Obama and his minions also Liberals that are wrong if you take into account 911 the attacks on our embassies and the bombing of the,USS Cole and Libya.
While this seems drastic the security of our country should be first not second. As you know Congress just funded the resettlement of 300000 more refugee/terrorists to enter our country. This was courtesy of the RINO’S IN CONGRESS .
The incident of 12/2/15 is,a clear indication of our government’s inability to properly vet them. A failure to check the,female radical that committed 14 murders and 22 injured. The vetting is a joke if it is not verified. They also deceive us and think that is okay. Qur’an 2:225, 3: 54 , 9:3, 16:10, 40:28.
It has also been reported that up to 9500 immigrants that have a known tie to terrorism can’t be found by the government. They revoked thier visas and let them go rather than deport them. This is your government at work on the vetting of Islamic immigrants. And the person in charge didn’t know when asked in a hearing on capital hill.
What scares me the most is our out of control administration we have. ISIS is training children some as young as three and women to kill. If this isn’t a wake-up call I don’t know what is. To those who disagree I say tough$#%&!@* You can post all you want and include the number of refugee / terrorists you would be willing to host if you,aren’t afraid.
When is someone going to realize these migrants think they can do anything they want? They come to a country. They obid by the country’s rule? Look what’s happening in Germany, Italy, Sweden. They wish they never let them in. Bring reality back.. They are nothing but trouble!!!. Just seems like no one cares!!!!. Our whole world is hurt because of ISIS!!!. Why do we keep letting them do??. They have to be stopped!!!!
The German people need to ride Angela Merkel out on a rail preferably tarred and feathered.
Our leaders have been bought!