Cologne Body Builder Beat Up Migrants Attempting To Rape, Describes Civil War Like Situation

In the United States we have a political system filled with hyperbole and silliness. Democrats cooked up the slogan “War on Women” because the old fear mongering was getting ignored.

Now, the policies of the left around the world, have brought a real war on women and they are getting raped. A lot.

From Breitbart:

“Throughout the evening again and again women came to me and asked if they could just stand next to me so I could look after them. I still didn’t quite know what that was all about. They told me they were chased by these guys”.

The men who had chased the girls then attempted to attack again, but martial arts expert Jurevic was ready: “These guys that chased them, then they really tried to attack me. I’ll have to be honest, I beat them all up.

“I’ve never witnessed something like this, I always thought this stuff would be some sort of right wing propaganda. But it was real!”.

The police were also afraid of the intensity of the chaos:

Referring to the extraordinary scenes seen in Germany in September as migrant trains arriving were greeted by cheering crowds, Mr. Jurevic said: “These people that we welcomed just three months ago with teddy bears and water bottles on the Munich railway station started shooting [fireworks] at the police who had come quipped with helmets onto the [Cathedral] platform… seasoned police officers then told me they had never seen anything like it in their entire life.

“They called it, and I quote, ‘a civil war like situation’ And there was no press coverage of this whatsoever!

No press coverage? Shocking. Who would want to know that mass migration from the middle east leads to rape fests on your streets? That would play right into right-wing hands. Better to deny there was any trouble and suppress the victims. The Clinton way if you will.

When you hear politicians advocate for more refugees, remember it’s your daughters who will bear the brunt of their attention and not theirs.

Source: Breitbart



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