During the New Year celebrations across the globe, news outlets were reporting that ISIS and other jihadist outfits were planning on spectacular attacks to ring in the new year.
One place they did not have to plan for was Cologne, Germany.
A security company operator and part-time actor, Ivan Jurevic, uploaded a viral video of his account of the night 1,000 “refugees” held the city in their grip, vandalizing and carrying out sexual assaults.
The description sounded like a medieval raid, with women running for cover from beastly marauding men.
It’s simply the result of not knowing who you are bringing into your country.
Years ago, when the “Arab Spring” began, the world looked at the uprisings through rose colored glasses and pretended the men who sexually assaulted journalist Lara Logan in Tahrir Square were somehow rare or unheard of.
In fact, it’s a way of life in all of these nations from which we import these men. They take what they want from women. Women are punished for being raped. Women are punished for talking about being raped.
When you import massive amounts of these men and turn them loose on your streets, you cannot expect them to treat your citizens any better.
In Cologne, they are learning this the hard way.
See the next page for the assaults on women in Cologne
At least there is one real man left in Germany. Where were the other “men”. Would the men in America allow this to happen? I hope not but we won’t know until we’re tested. Women must get ready to protect themselves.
Domestic terrorism
Beating them up? Ain’t enough.. Better start throwing them back into the M. E.
You are so right. In Islam women are slaves.
Entirely. Their backwards nature is in the Majority. I didn’t believe it so I intentionally made Arab male friends as most of them are trying to run love scams to get into the states anyway, so it was very easy to select different guys from different kinds of lifestyles and education levels. The younger males are highly illogical. I often found myself wondering if inbreeding was the cause. The young ones have the highest of ego’s and can be very female oppressive and by being very smothering. Then you’ll find the late 20ies to mid 30ies guy that has lived that life and now finds that he wants a woman that he can love. Most Arab men by that age are married so they cheat a lot. They’ll tell you absolutely everything about their wife. The older guys in the 40+ range have zero shame and they’re back to being the ego$#%&!@* Call is a midlife crisis. By this point they keep women on rotation and often leave their wives, and move in with another woman. If their kids are old enough they will divorce and marry the former sidepiece. These types of men are commanders. They bark orders, expect you to listen, and if you didn’t worship them they have zero fucks and move on. Like I said; Zero shame.
This is insane.
I have said this before!!. Our Nation is in a world of hurt!! And nothing is getting done!!
Good, I hope he pounded the$#%&!@*out of those fucking Muslims.