Take a moment, if you will, to imagine a world run by college-aged activists. Imagine if they had the power to decide how the economy worked, who deserved to be employed and who got punished. It’s a pretty scary thought. It would be like Hitler’s Germany, except it wouldn’t be people with blonde hair and blue eyes running the country (unless you’re a homosexual or a transexual, which would be ironic).
Humanity would be at the mercy of a group of people who know how to do nothing but complain. In short, it would be complete chaos.
Hopefully that’ll never happen, but in the meantime, student activists have made some pretty serious demands at Western Washington University. They’ve ordered the creation of a new college dedicated social justice, as well as the formation of a student committee to basically run the thing. The group that issued these demands are called the Student Assembly for Power and Liberation (SAPL), and they’re actually expecting these demands to be met.
Read what they want from this social justice college on the next page.
The bigger problem is that these students are allowed to vote … hence the rise of Bernie Saunders and the free tuition farce… Look at Gainesville Fl .. the students pushed the vile law for same sex bathrooms… Ohh sorry gender neutral bathrooms…
I’ve been a public school teacher for 20 years, and it’s scary how they’ve started indocrinating the children as early as kindergarten! I put my own children in a private school and advise anyone who will listen to do the same, or better yet, homeschool! I found an Islam chapter in my son’s 6th grade social studies book at a Christian school! :They’re now accepting federal funds, so some of them aren’t much better anymore. 🙁
GMO’S of the educational system is a pretty good analogy! ! 😉
Or rather … 🙁
If they wanna fire staff then no tax money for you. When you become an adult and start paying the bills, you can have a say in how things run in this house.
I don’t like him
What the hell are we raising ??? A generation of whinning$#%&!@*ass bitches. They demand, they want……since when has the apprentice became the master. You want to learn then study. You want anything other than that pack your bags and go home.
Late breaking news…3 more cops shot in chicago
Close the liberal colleges done with these babies!
Just go start your own school