Take a moment, if you will, to imagine a world run by college-aged activists. Imagine if they had the power to decide how the economy worked, who deserved to be employed and who got punished. It’s a pretty scary thought. It would be like Hitler’s Germany, except it wouldn’t be people with blonde hair and blue eyes running the country (unless you’re a homosexual or a transexual, which would be ironic).
Humanity would be at the mercy of a group of people who know how to do nothing but complain. In short, it would be complete chaos.
Hopefully that’ll never happen, but in the meantime, student activists have made some pretty serious demands at Western Washington University. They’ve ordered the creation of a new college dedicated social justice, as well as the formation of a student committee to basically run the thing. The group that issued these demands are called the Student Assembly for Power and Liberation (SAPL), and they’re actually expecting these demands to be met.
Read what they want from this social justice college on the next page.
Ah, yes!! This from the Generation Entitlements! Where and when will this c**p end!?!?
since when do students DEMAND ANYTHING! education is NOT A RIGHT, it is a PRIVILIDGE! start pulling their grants!!!!
bad spell check!
Hey Progressive College Kids-You folks are a sick bunch of little shits! All I can say is GO F–K YOURSELVES BECAUSE NOBODY ELSE WILL!!
Demand all you want. Until YOU are a contributor to society, not gonna happen.
what a bunch of pussies..they are either liberals or democrats which means they are to stupid to make any decisions.
no body gets it how this country went hell by trt behind the devil n hepers shame forfathers n people got this country going what meant to be a lot half country adiots
Attending college is a Privilege not a RIGHT!! Saying if you don’t like the school attend elsewhere!!! You CANNOT fix Stupid!!
This has to be a joke, right? The students are there to learn, not just to have someone repeat over and over again what they want to hear.