The leftist bias of America’s university system is a well-documented problem, but people often overlook our country’s community colleges when critiquing the stranglehold liberalism has on higher education.
Consider this: Take all of the country’s leftist professors, then from that take just those who couldn’t manage to get a job at a reputable four-year college. Those are the teachers entrusted with the education of America’s junior college students. If you thought liberal propaganda at universities was bad, at community college it’s even worse — if you can believe it.
Take, for instance, Portland Community College’s James Harrison who is teaching our students that whites are somehow to blame for the sky-high crime rates committed by blacks.
This is delusional anti-white bigotry at its finest, and it’s being taught at American schools as fact.
To see this teacher make this absurd claim, continue reading on the next page:
You might want to go observe some African nations.
“imagine a world without blackness spreading hate “
This man needs to resign his job as a teacher! He is biased and racist and should never be instructing students.
White people built this country into a great nation. Satin Ian is trying to destroy it. We, the white people, will fight to preserve what is now the greatest nation ever known to mankind except that of Israel. If you Donna like this nation, leave.
There is no need to imagine a land with no whiteness. Just look at South Africa!! Just another SHITHOLE now!
What would happen if we said we have to banish blackness!
And black people say white people are the racists I’m sorry but most black people are horrible racists not all of them but a big percentage
Asshole, your 16 percent of the population that leaves the restt 84 percent, now that 84 is trying to let idiot’s like you have just about any damn thing you want, except that you want to dominate. Sometimes education obviously does not make you smart.
Imagine a world without modern conveniences such as running water, electricity, telephones, television, movies, automobiles, air travel and the list goes on and on. These , taken for granted conveniences are all due to WHITENESS!