Charles Angeletti, a college professor at Metropolitan State University of Denver, forces his students to recite a very anti-American ‘Pledge Of Allegiance’ before they can attend his class.
The pledge is an altered version of the standard pledge that vows their allegiance to a racist, homophobic, and sexist United States that seeks to persecute “blacks,” and “women who want abortions,”…all in the name of Jesus.
hope they all refused!!!!!
not accepting the republican point of view makes him repressive himself
I’d tell im ta suck O’bama dick.
He should be considered a traitor and shot.
Another Libtard professor trying his best to brainwash our kids!!!
Cancel his teaching license and put him in jail!
Someone needs to take this guy outfor a ride.
I wouldn’t do it
I’ll take a “F” on all accounts !
University of Denver needs to fire that Idiot.