College Professor: Attack NRA Headquarters and ‘Leave No Survivors’

Despite the obviously horrific nature of Pearce’s proposal, he concludes that it is necessary because he imagines that it will result in “legislative action on assault weapons.” Ironically enough, the only the professor’s post has provoked is a federal investigation, with authorities currently looking into whether Pearce’s comments constitute a credible threat or not:

“‘In general, the college would alert local authorities about any threats that were made known to the college, especially any threats made to students, faculty or staff,’ she explained. ‘We have a good working relationship with the police jurisdictions covering each of our four campuses, and trust they would follow their protocols for reporting to other agencies. As I understand it, a report does not necessarily mean an investigation.’

Pearce’s comments were reported to the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security on June 17 by administrators at Southern State Community College. The college’s Security and Emergency Response coordinator Gary Heaton claimed that ‘the Attorney General advised [SSCC Vice President] Dr. Roades to take no action until the Feds had completed an investigation.’”


Months after the initial threat and an investigation, the media was still silent.


Source: Breitbart



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