Surprise surprise: a “tolerant”, non-violent liberal is being investigated for posting potentially threatening remarks towards others on the Internet.
James Pearce is a professor at Southern State Community College, and as such is given a platform that, while not as great as celebrities’ and politicians’, is given more consideration than most people. Part of this enhanced platform is Facebook, where he shares his thoughts with not only friends and family, but colleagues and students as well. Although you might think this facilitates greater communication between professor and student, Pearce has instead opted to use it to engage in inflammatory rhetoric.
On June 13th, a day after the terrorist attack in Orlando that left 49 people dead, Pearce called for his fellow “anti-gun types” to take up arms and attack the NRA’s headquarters. As if this weren’t disturbing enough, the professor made it a point to say they should “make sure there are no survivors.”
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Liberals threaten violence against conservatives daily and are praised in the mainstream media. Disgusting
Please do it. I’ll read your obituary!
Liberals need to be held accountable for their calls for violence and lawlessness.
get all these libtards together and take them to the shipyard and put em on a boat and send them out to sea we dont need morons here were tryin to aave whats left of our country