College Administrators Agree To Shred Constitution Because It’s ‘Triggering’ and ‘Offensive’

College Administrators Agree To Shred Constitution Because It’s ‘Triggering’ and ‘Offensive’

Have you ever felt the Constitution was “problematic?” You might if you’re a Social Justice Warrior, what with all that “free-speech” and due process whatsits, it’s offensive.

But what about college administrators, people whose role it is to balance freedom of thought with freedom of expression? Perhaps you would expect a respected institution of higher learning to remind a troubled student that if they cannot handle other opinions they don’t belong in a place where they are the primary subject of discussion.

You might expect that. But it didn’t go that way at Vassar College, where an administrator agreed to shred a copy of the Constitution to calm an undercover reporter who was pretending to be a student there.

Find out why on page 2.




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College Administrators Agree To Shred Constitution Because It’s ‘Triggering’ and ‘Offensive’