Have you ever felt the Constitution was “problematic?” You might if you’re a Social Justice Warrior, what with all that “free-speech” and due process whatsits, it’s offensive.
But what about college administrators, people whose role it is to balance freedom of thought with freedom of expression? Perhaps you would expect a respected institution of higher learning to remind a troubled student that if they cannot handle other opinions they don’t belong in a place where they are the primary subject of discussion.
You might expect that. But it didn’t go that way at Vassar College, where an administrator agreed to shred a copy of the Constitution to calm an undercover reporter who was pretending to be a student there.
Find out why on page 2.
This is really SICK!
The people can demand her resignation.
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Thankfully , it’s not up to college administrators to shred our Constitution. Who do these people think they are? College is no longer HIGHER education.
Our colleges and universities are Socialist endoctrination centers.
Keep your filthy hands OFF OUR CONSTITUTION!!! You need to move to a socialist country and give us some relief, oh and take ALL your liberal idiots with you
These liberal/progressive professors are insane and ruining the education system!!!
What happens to some of these professors to cause them to lose their minds? Why is she living here? Why isn’t she in some socialist nation, happy with them telling her what to do? Liberalism is a disorder apparently.
That is the problem with education in America, that it thinks she has the only copy! LOL , higher education can’t get much lower!
Shred her contract !