Have you ever felt the Constitution was “problematic?” You might if you’re a Social Justice Warrior, what with all that “free-speech” and due process whatsits, it’s offensive.
But what about college administrators, people whose role it is to balance freedom of thought with freedom of expression? Perhaps you would expect a respected institution of higher learning to remind a troubled student that if they cannot handle other opinions they don’t belong in a place where they are the primary subject of discussion.
You might expect that. But it didn’t go that way at Vassar College, where an administrator agreed to shred a copy of the Constitution to calm an undercover reporter who was pretending to be a student there.
Find out why on page 2.
How do these assholes become responsible for educating our kids
Silly double standards of the liberals again and again.
Ignorant people like this should be locked up for treason against the United States. Who do they think they are the Constitution is the law of the land of the United States. And these are the idiots that parents are paying thousands of dollars due to educate our children I’m sorry people but I think we be better off
Educating our own children. These liberal professors are absolutely indoctrinating our youth today to be fascists are socialists this is Everything our founding fathers fought and died for to prevent. Wake up America our children and our youth are under attack God help us all.
These idiot lib socialists want to foment a civil war. What they don’t understand is they are heavily outnumbered and out gunned and will not survive a fight for individual freedom.
Communists are running the shools!
Beth: They have no business being in an institute of higher learning.
crazy bastard
Sick worthless liberal.
Because they are so liberal they don’t know how to think for themselves, only believe in rhetoric. No thinking involved there.