Lt. Tom Davidson from the Lafayette, Indiana police dept. received only a 30-day suspension for beating down a handicap man ran accidentally ran over his foot.
Although the entire upper management within the dept. wanted Davidson fired, the department’s Civil Service Commission decided that his behavior was not outside police policy and handed him this short suspension.
This police state needs guys like Lt. Tom Davidson – cops who are capable of brutalizing people without regard – so that complete submission to authority is accomplished.
wonder if the cop would like the same beat down cop are given way to much power i would like to see him try to beat me oh wait than i would get tossed in jail for resisting arrest and bout 200 other charges and i bet i would have in all likelihood have done nothing for a ass beating
I would love to kick that officers ass, till he pees on himself..
Jo Kiser Someone should demonstrate to him how it feels, X 2!
Tie the officer dpwn and give the wheel chair victum a base ball bat.
This man is a bully and should be fired. There again the public doesn’t matter. Funny our tax dollars pay their wages, and the public are treated like this. What are WE going to do about it?
Nice 30 day paid vacation. if you are I did that we would be in jail, not on vacation.
If a regular citizen responds this way they go to jail.
This Cop should be fired & the handicapped man should sue!!!
He passed first phase of brown shirt training.