Lt. Tom Davidson from the Lafayette, Indiana police dept. received only a 30-day suspension for beating down a handicap man ran accidentally ran over his foot.
Although the entire upper management within the dept. wanted Davidson fired, the department’s Civil Service Commission decided that his behavior was not outside police policy and handed him this short suspension.
This police state needs guys like Lt. Tom Davidson – cops who are capable of brutalizing people without regard – so that complete submission to authority is accomplished.
In an unrelated story, a police officer on a call in Gary, Indiana was shot to death as he performed a routine traffic stop. Guess you’re getting your wish, Del Lang. The so-called “maggot pig,” with 19 years of servicing his community, left behind a fiance and four daughters.
Face book Needs a button for do not like on here, why would we like something like this? I don’t approve of Police brutality and I think it needs to be stopped. Why would someone in a wheel chair run over someone feet on purpose, it says it was an accident, sounds like the cop was having a bad day and wanted to take it out on someone who couldn’t fight back, so he needs to get a bigger punishment, and some public service. was he mad at his wife or girlfriend or boss? he ought to have to work with disabled people for awhile, so he can see what they have to go through.
I guess he had to set his sights on a handicapped man instead of an able bodied 9 year old girl to beat down, since the 9 year old girl kicked his a**e the week before for trying to steal her lunch money.
the police are hiding behind their badges and think anything they do is alright
Actually, firing him wouldn’t be the just thing to do, but locking him up would, Larry. There’s no doubt that any of us would be UNDER the jail if any of us did the same to the handicapped man.
Chris, that is an unrelated story. The conversation is about the maggot pig that beat down a handicapped man, not some officer getting shot in the line of duty. Perhaps if these “good cops” started policing the scum in their ranks, then the good cops won’t get gunned down by the whackos who were mistreated by the rogues in the past.
Why is “complete submission to authority” is necessary when they are suppose to be protecting the people and not ruling over them?
Perry Bailey: You are so right. The cop should be arrested for aggravated battery. Wonder how this guy acts at home and off the job. If he has children I fear for their safety when he gets angry.
The FEDS need to put implants in the Lafayette Police Dept. and bust all these cowards!! They would be totally different outside of uniform without partners or guns!!