Hillary Clinton might not need to release her upcoming book ‘What Happened” on why she lost the election. CNN’s Fareed Zakaria thinks he knows why. If you didn’t care for Hillary calling us all “deplorables”, or Nancy Pelosi saying we voted “in a certain way”, “like mammals” you won’t like what Zakaria thinks of Trump supporters.
Fareed Zakaria and everybody else at CNN representing the Soros lead Fake News Industrial Complex (FNIC) thinks everybody who voted for Trump is stupid. We don’t like Hillary because she “perfectly represents” the “overeducated professional elite”. That’s why we like Trump. Hillary Clinton and her supporters are too good for us and our men support President Trump because they want to be gay and are scared.
You can watch this video of Zakaria saying these things for yourself or read the transcription from this message on the next page. It is scary how hard Soros, FNIC, and the globalist elite are trying to tell us America is “irrelevant” because Trump supporters are bad and secretly want to be homosexuals.
Listen this is not your country so the best thing you can is eat bacon and respect it.
If you think that they can impeach Trump with no evidence you are stupid we are going to have Trump for another 7 and half more years.
You have to.laugh at these clowns who sold their Soul to George Soros
Hey Hold Your Breath Pass Out and Repeat for the next 8 Years and when you wake up Trump wont be President anymore
Tell Em Bro! They are just dishonest Soros Scum and they know it! Lol
They are not confused Dear Lady! They are your enemy! They know full well what they are doing! Its psychological 21 century war fare or witch craft which ever you prefer! Repeat a lie loud enough and long enough it becomes true! These people are LIERS and Decievers
coming from a mongral.
You sir are irrelevant…
Liberal c**p
Wake up snowflake