Don’t ask Donald Trump how he feels about coming in second place in Iowa. While second placers have many times gone on to win the primary, and even the presidency, Donald Trump insists he didn’t come in second. He says he won.
How? Because Donald Trump is among the many who state that Ted Cruz “stole” the election by spreading false information stating that Ben Carson had dropped out of the race before Iowa’s caucuses had wrapped for the night.
The idea that Carson was dropping out wasn’t just fiction dreamt up by the Cruz campaign, though. It came from directly from CNN… even if they won’t admit it.
CNN’s sloppy reporting and even sloppier correction regarding the “break” from campaigning Carson was planning is what started the entire ordeal, yet they are denying that the report ever occurred.
Thankfully, Breitbart has all the evidence. See it on the next page:
Ted Cruz works the polls like Hillary Clinton. Sorry us uneducated stupid people who support Trump out number you who think we can’t spot a liar.
The establishment hates Cruz
Truth is truth and no spin can change something if it is true nor make it true if false.
Very enlightening Thank you Sandra.
What do you mean by supporting Clintons anti-gun bill prove it. I could not get it on you tube
Just Google trump on assault weapons ban.
Trump wrote in his book ” the America we deserve ” that he supports an asult weapons ban and stricter background checks, you don’t write it in your book if you don’t believe it
Oh really? So why did he write in his book ” the America we deserve ” that he supports an asult weapons ban and stricter background checks?
Try educating yourself on your candidate before you make false statements
So much for CCN then